Winter Blues 21 Day Detox: Week 1 Check In

February 25, 2015

We made it through the first 7 days of the detox. For the past 7 days, I eliminated fruit, grains, sugar, and alcohol, upped my water intake and aimed for 7 hours of sleep a night.

It wasn’t so bad, there were a few challenging times: I went out to dinner with friends where everyone was drinking beer and sharing delicious-looking fried appetizers; I resisted and stuck with a steak salad. The other challenge was an Oscar party with nachos, cheesy dips and seriously good-looking desserts (hello Julianne S’Mores!) and again, I stuck with the foods that fit in my plan.

I 100% stuck with my eating plan and drinking more water. You know I failed the 7 hours of sleep per night goal but I promise I am working on it!

I thought that I’d have trouble avoiding fruit and while I love fruit, if I don’t buy it, I’m not tempted. I snack on fruit when I need a sweet-fix and I don’t think that fruit is bad for you, but I do know that I tend to overdo it. I figured that cutting it for a week would help me to build a better relationship with proper-sized servings of fruit.

Here’s a sample day from the first week:

  • Workout: Cycling Class
  • Breakfast: 2 eggs, avocado, hot sauce, black coffee
  • Snack: handful raw cashews
  • Lunch: chili with avocado
  • Snack: handful raw cashews
  • Dinner: pan-seared salmon with butternut squash, tea

More or less, my days looked like the above. I never cheated, but something that I allowed myself that most wouldn’t view as part of a ‘detox’ was French fries. I loveeee fries and am pro-potato when living a Paleo/Whole30 style life so I allowed a few frenchies this week and didn’t feel bad about it.

Eating right definitely does not mean deprivation, these were a few favorites from the past week:

Tuesday morning is weigh-in day and as of this morning I’m down 4lbs. Sounds like a lot and it is, but I know those are the 4 easy ones that I put on from eating whatever I wanted for a week or two.

This week, everything stays the same except that I can have fruit before 1pm. I tend to eat tons of fruit in the evening, a time where I could just as easily not have it and go to bed instead, thus why the cut-off is 1pm. If I really want some fruit, I better get it out of the way early, not when a random craving hits in the afternoon or evening.

I’ll give you another update next Tuesday!

*more on the detox and why I’m doing it HERE

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