Baby Prep: My Hospital Bag Packing List

June 7, 2019

hospital bag packing list

Packing my hospital bag (& baby’s and husband’s*!) had been on my to-do list for weeks. Slowly but surely I think it’s all set to go (which is great news, because today is my due date!).

I’ve read lots of blog posts on the necessities and pulled from those lists what was important for me. Since this is my first time going through this, I’m sure there will be things I wish I had and other things that won’t get used. I’m probably packing a bit more than is necessary but I’d rather be overly prepared. *If you’re questioning why I’d prepare my husband’s bag, it’s because before EVERY trip he asks me for a packing list. I’m including his necessities on my list because I don’t want him forgetting anything important for this particular night away! He did the actual packing himself though 🙂

Below is my list (download it and save it if you’re working on your own bag!), plus I’m calling out a few specific products that I’m including. I’ll provide an update at a later date sharing any changes I’d make.

hospital packing list

Hospital Bag Checklist

packing list

Specific Products I’m Packing

Gap Maternity Robe: I want something that will look good in photos, covers me up, and also will hide stains–definitely went with black for all of the above reasons.

Gap Nursing Nightgown:  Since I’ll be starting the breastfeeding experience in the hospital, this seems like an easy option (again, went for the black).

Auden Nursing Bra (from Target): Same reasoning as above.

Lululemon Align Leggings: These have been my absolute favorite item during pregnancy and are my most comfortable leggings. They fit me pre-pregnancy and at nine months pregnant. I know they’ll fit no matter what size I leave the hospital at.

RxBars: The hospital has lots of food options but there are certain hours that you can’t get room service. Plus this will be a key item to keep MM nourished.

Harmless Harvest Coconut Water: Hydration is super important during childbirth (or so I hear). I love coconut water and this is my favorite brand (finally tracked it down at Costco!). I’m bringing a few bottles (in a cooler) to keep myself and MM hydrated through the experience.

Headbands (from Amazon): My hair will no doubt be a huge mess. As much as I’d love to have a blowout before giving birth (lol yea right), the odds are my hair is going to be a mess. Love these headbands to somewhat tame my hair and keep it out of my face.

Yes to Coconuts Face Wipes: I assume I’ll be too tired to get out of bed to wash my face. I imagine a fresh wipe will feel really good throughout the time at the hospital.

Aden + Anais Swaddles: Love these adorably patterned swaddles! I’ll bring one of them for some cute in-hospital baby pictures (there are a million options, I got the Trail Blooms set).

Earth Mama Perineal Spray: Literally have no clue if this will do anything. It seems like a product that can’t hurt to have on hand. The reviews say it’s a must-have. we’ll see.

Are there any items for the hospital you loved? Let me know!

Download Your Hospital Bag Checklist Here

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Baby Prep Packing List

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