Year 1 With Ollie

November 10, 2015

One year ago, MM and I adopted sweet Ollie.  We had talked about getting a dog for years (actually, I think I’ve talked about getting a dog since I was about 5) and one year ago, it finally happened. You can read Ollie’s adoption story HERE. We don’t know Ollie’s actual age; when we adopted him they said maybe 3 or 4, so we’ve decided that yesterday, November 9 was his 4th birthday, just go with it.

I truly had no idea what it would be like to have a dog, neither MM and I grew up with dogs and dog-sitting a handful of times didn’t quite prepare us for what was ahead. Through the ups and downs of the last year, we’ve learned so much. The biggest thing I’ve learned is how much I could love this little furball, so much more than I had anticipated! Here’s a look at what I’ve learned over the past year.

1. You will do anything for your dog: When we first adopted Ollie, I figured that no matter what we did for him, it was giving him a better life than what he had before (since he was found on the street), but then as you start to love your pet, you basically will go to the ends of the earth for your pup. A few months into having Ollie he had to have surgery and when the vet explained the procedures and all the costs (which were CRAZY), my immediate response to everything was DO WHATEVER YOU NEED TO DO! And I’d do it again if I had to (although now thank goodness we have pet insurance so I won’t go broke keeping Ollie healthy).

2. Dogs make you care less about germs: Oh hey Ollie, you just ran around the streets of New York? I don’t care, jump in bed with me! Yep, it happens. And Ollie is so dang cute and cuddly, I don’t even give it a second thought (ok, maybe I give it a little thought, but you get the idea).

3. Having a pet makes you emotional: I’m not a super emotional person, but tell me a story about a pet and I might cry. I’ve had to change the channel when emotional pet story lines are happening and reading #5 on THIS LIST brought me to tears at my desk. What’s wrong with me??

4. Dogs make you friendlier: As your typical New Yorker, I didn’t talk to anyone unless totally necessary. Now, when walking with Ollie, I talk to everyone! I’ve met so many dog owners and dog lovers in our neighborhood and it really does brighten your day to be friendlier to those around you and to know your neighbors (confession, I know most of my dog neighbors names, as for the people…not so much). Ollie is a real people magnet; he even met Steve Martin last week! I’m still jealous about that.

5. Dogs get you moving: Obviously I’m already an active person, but having a dog gives you that extra reason to take a walk around the block. Of course sometimes (all the time?) I’d rather lay on my couch after a long day at work, but getting in those extra steps and fresh air is pretty nice.

6. Dogs are expensive: Well duh, everyone knows this and everyone told me this before I got a dog. I knew it would be $$ to have a dog, but maybe I underestimated it. Dogs are expensive but it is money well spent my friends.

7. Dogs are a lot of work: I learned early on with Ollie that training your dog is much more work on your end than your dogs. You can’t just go to doggie classes at Petco and expect to come home with a trained dog (I wish). Ollie happens to be quite well behaved (he was house broken and crate trained when we got him- a very pleasant surprise!), but he definitely has his quirks. We’ve taken classes and even had a one-on-one session, but I admit I’ve done a terrible job of keeping up with his training. We know what to do, we just haven’t practiced as much as we should. I was so proud of the tricks Ollie did learn with us that I sort of stopped after that. Note to self, work on this more!

8. If this is what it’s like having a dog…what it is like having a baby?? Seriously, having a dog is such an emotional roller coaster that I can’t even wrap my head around what it would be like to have a CHILD. People say a dog is a good preview of having a baby and I literally just don’t know how people sanely care for children. The stress and anxiety I felt when leaving Ollie at doggie day care overnight once, how do you do that with a kid!? We’ll worry about that another day.

9. Having a dog is as great as everyone says it is: The most common thing I’ve heard from dog owners is that it’s a ton of work, but it’s 100% worth it. I totally agree with this. Having a dog is expensive, takes up a ton of time, makes some things logistically difficult, but it is ALL WORTH IT. I mean look at his little face? How can you not fall in love? It also warms my heart to know that we rescued Ollie and are able to provide him with a good life.

After a year with Ollie, I am so grateful that he is a part of our mini family. Happy adopt-aversary & birthday Ollie!  

*photos by Robert Stoetzel of DOG & CO.

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