Yoga for Runners + Yoga Design Lab Giveaway

July 16, 2015

My Ironman 70.3 training well underway (4 weeks to go!) and now to get even crazier, Chicago Marathon training has also officially kicked off. With two big races on the horizon, my legs are taking a beating. I’m just now easing into my marathon training long runs and thinking back to when I trained for the 2013 NYC Marathon, things quickly escalate. I’m fortunate to (up until this point, knock on wood) not have encountered any serious injuries, but even so, marathon training brings up new aches and pains, from tight muscles, to sore knees, to a stiff back. The perfect anecdote to keep muscles feeling as best as they can is yoga. I can’t always get to a class but I can find the time to do a few stretches early in the morning or before bed.


I’ve compiled my favorite yoga poses for runners. If you’re a runner looking for a little more spring in your step and flexibility in your stride, follow along. Before we kick this off, I’d like to highlight the ultra-gorgeous yoga mat I’m using from Yoga Design Lab. Here you’ll see me posing on the Geo Combo Mat; these mats are made as a combo yoga mat and towel. The top of the mat has the grip and sweat absorption of a towel to keep your poses in place, reducing the need to carry both a mat and a towel. After class you can toss the mat in the washing machine. For my bikram yoga followers, this is the ideal mat for your practice, but also is excellent for less sweaty versions of yoga.

GIVEAWAY ALERT! I’m partnering with Yoga Design Lab to give away a yoga mat to one lucky reader! To enter, follow me on Instagram at ShapinUp and like THIS photo. Comment with your favorite yoga pose and tag friends for extra entries. I’ll pick a winner on Tuesday, July 21st. 

Can’t wait to see if you win? You can also use discount code SHAPINUP to get 15% off on all Yoga Design products! To purchase, visit the store (you ultimately will be purchasing via Amazon), and on the ‘Select a Payment Method’ page, click “Enter a gift card or promotional code” and enter SHAPINUP (discount live through 8/11).

Before I get to my poses, I’d like to preface this by saying I am not a pro yogi. I’m a beginner and do what I can. I’m working on improving my posture and it’s a process. Without further ado, let’s get to it.


Downward Dog: This pose lengthen, strengthens and opens the hips, quads, calves and hamstrings. It also opens up the arms and upper back.


Upward Dog: Improves posture by stretching the spine, while stretching chest and lungs, shoulders and abdomen.


Wheel: Backbends open the shoulders and the front of the body while strengthening your core.


Low Lunge: Lunges stretch out the front and back of the legs, open the hips and strengthen the core.


What are your favorite yoga poses for strengthening and stretching? Comment below with your faves and make sure to head to Yoga Design Lab to score a beautiful new mat for your next yoga session.

*Outfit by Alo Yoga & Photos by Lauren Levine

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