TV Detox Follow Up

April 23, 2015

Last week I put myself on a TV detox; I didn’t allow myself to turn the TV on after work with the hope that I’d be more productive and get more sleep. The good news is that I kept to my word and didn’t turn the TV on after work. The bad news is I still didn’t get much sleep! I found other things to occupy my time that lead to my normal a-bit-too-late turn-in.

The nights that MM was also home, it was easier to keep the TV off. We cooked dinner, caught up on our days, cleaned up the apartment, etc. But the night that MM was at school until 9:30pm was so boring! I cooked myself a tasty dinner but when it was time to eat I was basically left staring into space. I tried to read my new book (The Girl on the Train) but it’s hard to read and enjoy your food at the same time. Beyond dinner, I called my mom, organized my closet, blogged and hung with lil Ollie. 

[less TV means more time to cook deliciousness like the above)

By the end of the week I definitely could see the appeal of watching less TV BUT I am absolutely not interested in sticking to no TV in the evenings. I missed it! I do know that I need to turn it off earlier and only watch the shows that I truly enjoy. 

So I guess TV isn’t the thing keeping me up late at night. What should I try next to get my necessary 7 hours of sleep?

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