Television Detox

April 13, 2015

Real talk, I am obsessed with TV. I watch a ton. I even worked in TV for 4 years. Most of my days are pretty packed with work, workouts, social engagements, etc but somehow I still fit in lots and lots of TV time. How you ask? Oh, I don’t sleep. I get on average 5-6 hours a night. Terrible, I know.

Generally speaking, my day starts super early with a 5:45am wake up call. I workout, work from about 9-6:30 then I either have plans or I’m home to walk the dog and cook dinner, all of this is done by let’s say 7:30pm. That’s where my friend the TV comes in. I’ll browse my DVR and watch a show…then another show…then another show. I’m going to partially blame MM because we’ll watch a show and it will be really good and he’ll convince me to watch just. one. more. I don’t fight it. By the time this is all said and done, we stop watching TV around 10 or 10:30pm then I still need to get my clothes ready for the next day, write a blog post (sometimes I’ll do this during TV time), get ready for bed and before I know it, it’s 11:30pm and I’m starting to settle in for sleep. Sometimes I have actual plans after work but when my evening is open, this is what typically occurs.

Not acceptable! I started thinking about all the things I could accomplish if I didn’t turn the TV on after work. I could be more present in those blog posts I try to write during Real Housewives (shout out to my mom who emails me daily with typos in my posts so I can fix them before you guys catch them all), I could read more, go on longer walks with Ollie, actually talk to MM during dinner, I could get to bed sooner and get a good 7-8 hours of sleep. And who knows what else.

I’ve done all sorts of detoxes; sugar, grains, dairy, etc. So here it is, for the next week, I’m goin going on an evening TV detox.  I’m not turning the TV on after work. For the mornings that I get ready at home (and not at Equinox) I’m allowing myself to watch TV but as for after work activities, it’s staying off. In the past I’ve tried setting a tech turn off time around 9pm but you know me, I’m an all-or-nothing kinda gal and trying to quit TV at 9pm wasn’t working (because of that whole, oh come on just one more ep, it’s getting so good! situation).

Why am I doing this if I love TV so much? I’m not trying to quit TV all together because I can say with certainty that won’t happen, nor do I want it to. What I’m hoping to happen is to figure out a better balance of TV, I don’t need to watch nearly as much as I do and I actually half-watch most shows. I like to be in-the-know about shows but I don’t even think I enjoy them (lookin’ at you House of Cards). With this, I’ll figure out which shows I just need to say bye-bye to (a few years back saying by to Greys was so hard but finally letting it go was freeing because I was actually hate-watching it).

Anyone interested in joining my TV detox? If so, let me know in the comments!

I’ll check back in after the week and let you know how my mini experiment turns out.

Since it’s the beginning of a new week, let’s take a look at my training from last week and what’s on tap for this one, 10 weeks until race weekend!

Last Week:

Monday: PLAN: 45 minute cycle, 10 minute abs
 / Completed!
Tuesday: PLAN: 45 minute run or swim / Took the day off
Wednesday: PLAN: 45 minute cycle, MetCon3 / Completed!

Thursday: PLAN: 45 minute cycle, 10 minute abs / Completed!

Friday: PLAN: 45 minute cycle, 30 minute run / Did cycle but forgot my running shoes 🙁

Saturday: PLAN: TBD conditioning class OR  long bike ride if weather permits
 / Completed! Did EVF Performance class plus a short run to the class
Sunday: PLAN: 45 minute cycle, 45 minute swim, TBD yoga class / Did cycle and The Movement conditioning class

This week:

Monday: AM 45 minute cycle, 10 minute abs
Tuesday: AM 45 minute swim, PM TBD conditioning class
Wednesday: AM 45 minute cycle
Thursday: AM 45 minute cycle, PM swim
Friday: AM 45 minute cycle, 30 minute run
Saturday: 6 mile run
Sunday: 45 minute cycle

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