Winter Blues 21 Day Detox: Week 2 Check-In

March 4, 2015

Another week of my detox down, this one not quite as stellar. The only change this week was that I went from having no fruit to having fruit before 1pm. The rest of the rules applied; no grains, dairy, sugar, alcohol, soy, more water and more sleep.

This week I cheated a few times. Nothing terrible but a small piece of bread here, some dried mango there, ya know, little things. I’ve been keeping track of everything I eat via a shared google doc with my friend and looking back on this week it wasn’t as bad as I thought it might be. I was away for a night over the weekend and let myself enjoy the food (it was a spa though so the food was all healthy if not necessarily on my plan), ate fruit past 1pm 3 times but it was all very reasonable servings of fruit, not an evening binge. I also had a small glass of wine. Despite all of those little cheats, overall my eating was really solid. Knowing I was still trying to stick to this plan kept me mostly on track. Normally when I cheat I go all out and end up feeling terrible, but this time around I kept my cheats so small that I still felt great.

Am I maybe learning portion control? Am I learning not to have an all or nothing mentality? If so, congrats to me because I’ve never had that. Let’s not get too carried away but perhaps I’m on to something!

Here’s a look at some of my meals from this week.


I’m down 1.5lbs and today is the start of week 3 and for this week my goal is to keep with the same rules as week 2; a few cheats here and there are okay but for the most part I’m aiming to stick with clean, whole eating.

Stay tuned!

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