Relaxing Weekend in Review

October 6, 2014

This past weekend was the first one in a long time with very little on my agenda and I loved every second of it. Well, maybe I didn’t enjoy the fasting part of it (Yom Kippur, 24 hours of fasting) but because I had no energy it forced me to sit back and relax.

Friday night I rushed home from work to eat something before the fast began. Then I settled in for a night of nothingness! I caught up on some shows and started some new ones (How to Get Away with Murder, I thought it was pretty good, I’m going to keep watching) and got in bed on the early side, didn’t set an alarm and just let myself sleep. I was hoping to sleep in super late since that makes fasting way easier but by 9:30am I was up and ready for the day.

To take my mind of hunger, I did some errands and wandered around the Upper West Side. MM and I were hosting a few friends for the break fast so I made a trip to Zabar’s and prepped some food. At 7:30 our friends came over and we feasted (leading to an immediate stomach ache which happens every year).

It was another night of no plans so I just hung out, finished my book (What Alice Forgot, highly recommend it!) and went to bed early. Ok this weekend is sounding extra lame, but I don’t care, it was glorious! 

Sunday I got up, went to Bikram Yoga and it was a solid class. Obviously it’s hot but some classes are hotter than others and this one was a perfect level of heat, not bad at all. I felt stiff but pretty good overall and enjoyed the class. I wore my favorite Bikram pants from Onzie Yoga and a new top from Alo Yoga. This top was really comfortable through class, the thick straps keep it in place without digging into your shoulders.

Later I hung out with some friends and then went for a mini 2 mile run over to my friend Emily’s to borrow a dress for a wedding this weekend. I haven’t been running at all and even though it was just 2 short miles it felt great and made me want to get back into the swing of things. Central Park in the fall is perfection and I need to take advantage of it before it gets colder.

Sunday night I did some food prep for the week, including a huge pot of chili (on the left is leftover mushroom soup from Saturday)

and prepped this colorful breakfast for Monday:

It’s Monday morning and I feel rested and ready to take on the week! Maybe I feel so optimistic because I only have a three day week and then I’m off to New Orleans. Either way, every once in a while it’s necessary to have a low key, no-plans kinda weekend. Happy Monday everyone!

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