Soy: The Good & The Bad

February 22, 2013

I used think tofu was the healthiest thing around. If tofu was an option over meat, it seemed like a no-brainer as the healthier option. I’ve been hearing some rumblings of quite the opposite. Soy isn’t necessarily bad for you, but its form does matter.

Here’s a good read from Refinery29 Is Soy Really that Bad For You which speaks about the good and the bad sides of soy.

Some helpful snipits:

  • Soy, in its purest form (edamame) can be a stellar source of protein and fiber
  • Soy is one of the most genetically modified foods (along with corn)
  • Once you venture outside of the pure form into processed foods, soy’s nutritional value typically starts to decline. (The exceptions: actual soybeans, fresh tofu, miso, tempeh, soy sauce, and tamari)
  • Soy is a cheap source of protein for many packaged and processed foods, so if you are eating protein bars, cereals, bottled dressings, mayonnaise, vegan meat substitutes, and fast foods, you are probably consuming soy
  • Soy products are very high in phytic acid, which can interfere with mineral absorption
  • When we move away from the actual soybean on to soy milk and the soy protein isolates in energy bars and veggie bars, that’s where it starts to become processed and a ghost of a nutrition food

PS Soy is a no-no for the Paleo diet.

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