My One More: March Running Goals

March 2, 2016

Amanda Running

As a Premier Protein ambassador, each month I’ll be sharing my goals with you, what I’m hoping to accomplish as the extra X in my month. In February I aimed to add more yoga to my workout routine. I took a handful of classes, more than I typically get to, and it was a welcomed addition to my weekly fitness routine. I hope to continue to add yoga into my schedule and this month, I’ll be adding another workout goal: more running!

Maybe more running is misleading, as it probably sounds like I’ve been running at least a little bit and will be adding to that, but now that I think about it, I’ve barely been running at all. This is typical for me, to go through serious bouts of running (like training for 2 marathons) to barely any. In the midst of winter, I’ve been leaning towards the latter with very fews runs. That changes this month as I kick off training for the Brooklyn Half Marathon, about 12 weeks away. The timing is perfect as it’s starting to warm up in NYC and I’m excited to hit good ole Central Park on the regular.

I love running, and even though it falls off my schedule occasionally, I love that it’s something I can ease my way back into. I’ll share my half marathon training plan tomorrow but as a preview, I’ll tell you that it involves no more than 3 runs per week and gives me a good variety of strength & cross training.

Along with a good marathon training plan and carefully scheduled workouts, good nutrition is a key component to staying healthy, all the way through the finish line. With more running, I’ll also be upping my protein intake, will be sure to stay extra hydrated, and will (per usual) aim for 8 hours of sleep each night.

Another key to getting race ready is finding time for all your runs and other workouts. With a few weekends of travel standing between me and the race, it’s important to make getting long runs done a priority. The above picture was taken during a 7-mile run in CA, proof that if you pack your sneakers and scope out a route, you can usually fit a run into a vacation.

I’ll be keeping you updated with my weekly training as we head towards the May 21st starting line.

What goals have you set for March? Are you training for any races? Leave your notes below!

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  • NYC Half Marathon PR is goal #1 and my focus for March!! Looking forward to enjoying some runs, yoga or othe rworkouts with you!

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