2015 Resolution Check In & 2016 Resolution List

December 30, 2015

It’s that time of year again! It’s time to look back at 2015 resolutions and share my 2016 list. I have to confess that I referred back to my resolution list in January and maybe February and then I pretty much completely forget about. I’m sure I’m not alone in this.

Since it’s been a while, here’s what was on my list last year, and how I think I did:

  • Complete as much of my 30 BEFORE 30 list as possible: I finished out my 20s by completing 23 items, not too bad!
  • Get More Sleep: Per usual, not my best work. I still struggle for those key 7-9 nightly hours but I do think I improved on the last year, getting myself to bed earlier and getting 7 hours or close to it most nights.
  • Stay Hydrated: Sure, I think I’ve done well enough on this one.
  • Be More Creative in the Kitchen: Not great, over the past year I tried a few new things but typically opted for my tried and true recipes.
  • Declutter my Life: YES! I think I made really good progress on this one. I still have a ways to go (just take a look in our downstairs area) but I made significant process, donating 10+ bags of clothing and apartment items all thanks to Marie Kondo’s The Life Changing Guide to Tidying Up
  • Race a Half Ironman: Check, did it.
  • Start Running again: Check again. I go through phases with running and 2015 had highs and lows but the high would be training for and completing a marathon. I’ve let my running slide again but know it will come back into rotation soon enough.
  • Get Craftier on the Blog: I feel like I failed this one. It’s a big goal for 2016, more on that below.

My resolutions for 2016 are more of a bird’s eye view at what I hope to accomplish. Instead of specific things like race a half ironman, this list gives room for change and growth.

  • Live in the Now: I suspect that 2016 will be a big year of change in my life. I want to enjoy all the changes and challenges and focus on the here and now, really enjoying what’s currently happening instead of trying to predict and stress over what the future holds.
  • Invest in Myself: Personally I think that I’m pretty good with my money. I am a saver and over the years have gotten even better about not spending money on material items and instead saving and spending on things that really matter to me. While it’s good to save, it’s important to know when to spend. In this new year, I’d like to invest more time and money into myself and my skills. For years I’ve wanted to take a photography course as well as a Photoshop course but haven’t pulled the trigger, those courses can be pricey and time consuming. Investing in my education and development are important in making me a well-rounded person and in 2016 I’m going to stop putting off these courses, along with other self-development opportunities and am going to get moving.
  • Practice Self Care: This brings in some resolutions from last year (get more sleep, stay hydrated) and puts it into a bigger focus. I’m ok with parts of self care, and totally neglect other parts. I workout and eat healthy but I often workout without enough rest, don’t get enough sleep, put off yearly doctor’s appointments and I can’t tell you the last time I got a massage or facial. As I get older, I know how important these things are. A massage or facial may seem like an indulgence and by skipping it, a way to save money, but these things are important (along with timely dr appointments of course!) and are making it onto my continuing to do-list for 2016. And speaking of better sleep, I’ll be bringing you a post early next week with tips from Casper on how to get the most out of your z’s.
  • Take Advantage of My Surroundings: I’ve lived in NYC for 8 years and the first few years I went out and did so many things. After living here for so long, I’ve gotten lazy with exploring and I definitely do not take advantage of all this city has to offer. I’ve put together an NYC must list and plan to explore and enjoy what’s around me.
  • Stay Connected: As my friends and I get older and enter new life stages, staying in touch becomes harder. Friends move away, get married, have kids, and our lives seem so different. I’ve done a decent job of keeping in touch with friends and family near and far, but I want to do better. Unfortunately I really hate talking on the phone, but when I’m walking somewhere and have nothing to do, I’ll make an effort to call a friend or family. When it’s not a call, it will be a quick thinking of you text or a life update email. Unfortunately the days of living in a house with your 7 best friends are long gone, but it doesn’t mean we can’t all make a good effort to stay connected.

As we head into 2016, I wish you all a very happy & healthy new year! I’d love to hear what your resolutions are, please share them below and help us all get inspired for a great year ahead.

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