Prenatal Workout: Daily Prenatal Squat Workout

April 17, 2019

When I started showing during pregnancy, I got a lot of comments at the gym to keep doing all those squats. I love squats and have always made them a part of my routine, but since working out while pregnant, they've become my ultimate go-to move. If I was in a group fitness class and didn't feel comfortable with whatever move…

Maui Travel Guide: How to Spend a Weekend on the Island

April 10, 2019

When MM and I moved to the west coast a few years ago (first living in SF), Hawaii was high on our travel list. The flight from the west coast is about 5-6 hours. Yes, that's kind of a long flight. But when you compare it to the 10+ hours it would take you from the east coast, it seems…

Prenatal Fitness: First and Second Trimester Modifications

April 3, 2019

One of the biggest misconceptions I had when going into pregnancy was this often-heard advice: it's safe to continue working out at whatever level you were working out prior to getting pregnant. While I'd heard this from many people, it's not what my doctor told me and not how I decided to treat fitness during my pregnancy. Today I'm sharing…

Prenatal Wellness: Second Trimester Recap

March 27, 2019

Welcome to the second trimester! The second trimester is when major changes happen and it's actually pretty fun. It's when I started telling everyone I was pregnant and when my bump went from barely visible to huge and out there. I no longer had to hide the belly (or rather, it soon became impossible to hide). Since I waited until about…

Dairy Free Cauliflower Soup with Crisped Mushrooms

March 25, 2019

I know that last week was the first week of Spring and we're all excited about the warm weather headed our way. But it's not that warm yet and that means it's still soup season! I'm making it last as long as possible because hearty soups like this one are so easy, healthy and filling. Maybe I'll start playing around…

Our Pregnancy Journey + First Trimester Recap

March 15, 2019

Now that I've shared the news that we're expecting our first baby this June, I wanted to share a bit more about the journey to get here. MM and I have always known we wanted kids and have discussed timing for a while. We knew pretty far in advance that we'd be moving to Barcelona and this meant being careful with…

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