Products I’m Loving for Postpartum Energy, Hydration, and to Support Milk Supply

May 20, 2021

I have never been the type of person who forgets to eat a meal. You know those people who are so busy that they claim to forget to each lunch and don't realize it until 5pm? That's not me. Well, it wasn't me. And now with two kids under the age of two, maybe it is me a little bit.…

How to Manage Nursing with Two Under Two, Plus Toddler Toys That Make It Possible

April 28, 2021

There were a lot of elements to juggling two under 2 that I was nervous about. At 5 weeks into this new gig of mother of two, I can't say that I'm an expert, but I'm definitely learning as I go. While I'm trying to split my attention and time between a 22 month old and a newborn, one of…

Ezra Ford’s Birth Story

April 16, 2021

About three weeks ago, Ezra Ford made his way into the world! I find birth stories fascinating so I'm going to share his here today. Plus, I love writing these as a way to remember such a special day. Here we go! I actually decided to get induced and had my appointment scheduled for 3 days prior to my actual…

Third Trimester Recap + Favorite Pregnancy Products for the Final Weeks

April 7, 2021

My baby has already arrived (will share more on that soon!), but I wanted to go back a second and share a recap of how the third trimester went as well as share some of the products that made the final weeks a bit more comfortable. The last recap I shared was of my second trimester, which was fairly smooth…

Baby Gear: What I’m Buying For Baby #2 (& What I’m Reusing From Baby #1)

February 22, 2021

Spoiler alert, I'm trying to buy as little baby gear as possible! I go back and forth between thinking babies need a million things and thinking in reality they don't need that much. After all, we plan to have our new baby sleep in our room for the first few months. We don't need a fully set up and nursery…

We Moved! All About Where To, Why, And Our New House

February 1, 2021

What a weekend, we moved! Okay so actually we moved out of Portland almost three months ago, but at the time had no set destination on where we were going. So yes, I've already announced that we were moving, but now we actually have a landing spot. As a reminder, we decided to leave Portland for a number of reasons,…

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