A couple of weeks ago I wrote about my healthy eating plan. To remind you, I said that for the month of August I’d do Whole30, I wouldn’t eat potatoes and for the first two weeks I’d only have low sugar fruits, followed by two weeks of no fruit. I’m back to tell you that …
I’ve always enjoyed cooking and since moving to San Francisco I’ve taken this love to a new level. I can’t even begin to tell you how amazing my kitchen is, especially when you compare it to what I was dealing with in NYC. My New York kitchen was the lowest of the low, but I …
photo via This post has been a long time coming. Sort of like how little girls dream about what their wedding dress will look like, I’ve dreamed about how I’ll get fit for my wedding. I’m kidding, sort of. There are tons of things I’m excited for when it comes to our wedding but I’m …
Oh, your fridge doesn’t look like the one above? Ok, me neither, but a girl can dream. Bonus points if you know who this famous fridge belonged to. Whether you are moving to a new home and creating a kitchen from scratch, or you’re ready to clear out the clutter and refresh your current kitchen, …
‘Tis the season of travel! Whether you’re headed home to celebrate the holidays with family or are headed somewhere tropical to escape the winter (take me with you?), you’ll probably be spending extra hours in the airport or in the car. My biggest struggle is with boredom eating while traveling. During road trips I try …