Triathlon Training Update: 65 Days To Go

May 9, 2013

Wait, WHAT? Only 65 days until the race? That seems SOON. Training is going ok. I’m still training with TNT and try to make it to as many of the 3 trainings we have each week as I can (but it’s tough, and I miss quite a few). I’ve been carrying on with all of my normal workouts (spin 3x per week, conditioning, etc) but want to step it up a notch as the race gets closer.

Just like every tri I train for, I’ve been neglecting the swim. Last night I made it to the first swim practice in about a month and it was actually awesome. As you know, I’m not a huge fan of swimming, but last night was a great workout- we were at the pool for an hour and swam almost the entire time. We did normal laps, a few drills and then a “snake swim” where all in a group you swim up and down the lanes, snaking your way across all lanes in the pool. This portion was a bit stressful because you’re getting splashed by all the people swimming around you, but it was the most beneficial for training for an open water swim. You have to get used to swimming into people’s feet, getting kicked and getting splashed in the face when you try to take a breath. It also helped me push a little harder since I didn’t want to fall behind the group I started with.

Other than that, I’ve been trying to run 2x per week and while I’m always in spin class, I need some more time dedicated to my road bike. And lastly, I wouldn’t mind doing more conditioning and weight training so I’ll feel stronger overall by race day.

Seems like I have my work cut out for me over the next 65 days!

I’d probably enjoy swim practice more if it was here instead of Harlem, but I’ll take what I can get…

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