Only TEN days until my triathlon, AH! So last night we had our last real TNT run practice (next week will be tappering) and I was not in the mood. at. all. But I forced myself to go even though my legs are super sore (from moving) and I needed a nap. The run went as follows:
1.25 Mile Warm Up (from Columbus Circle up the west side to 72nd street tansverse, go across it, come back and end at Tavern on the Green)
1 Mile Fast Pace (from Tavern on the Green up up to the Transverse, across it, turn around, come back)
2 Minute Slow Jog Recovery
REPEAT (fast mile+2 minute recovery: 4 times)
I went out really fast during the warm up because I was trying to keep up with the front group. By the time the warm up was over I was completely exhausted. I actually thought I was going the average pace of the group, but when I reached the turn around I realized there were about 90% of the group way behind me, oops. Anyways, then the mile repeats began. The entire time I was ready to quit and just jog home (since this workout took place 4 blocks from my apartment) but I pushed through. I made an agreement with myself that I’d do 3 mile repeats and head home (coaches told us to do 3-4 repeats) and after the 3rd I just was like NO. Do the 4th mile and just finish this whole workout. And I did it! I was proud (and sweaty). After that I headed to Juice Generation because it was so hot out and I deserved a reward (plus since I am in a new apartment I have NO food, need to do something about that soon).
The above pics show the progression of my evening- the first is right before I headed out for my run and shows that my apartment really needs some better lighting asap and a taller mirror, ha. Next is my delish smoothie (Red Dragon Fruit Smoothie + Spinach, GET IT) and a little run recap (Nike+ GPS app).
Happy almost-long-weekend everyone!