After 2 Babies, These Are My Favorite Carriers

November 16, 2021

One of my favorite parts of the early months with baby is baby wearing. Cuddling up with your teeny tiny baby is so sweet, plus a carrier allows you to have your hands free to get other things done (like eat a meal or drink your coffee, dream big).

With Millie I didn’t do a ton of baby wearing. With just one kid I didn’t have as much multi-tasking to do and I found baby wearing to be a bit overwhelming. But then when Ezra arrived I had to get into baby wearing. It’s honestly a necessity with two kids, especially if you’re experiencing two kids under 2.

I used some of my baby carriers that I had from Millie and also tried out some new ones. There are tons on the market so I can’t say that I’ve tried them all, but I’ve definitely tried a lot. Here are my favorites.

For the newborn days: The Solly Wrap

I absolutely love this wrap, especially during the first few weeks. This was the exact type of wrap I was intimidated by with Millie and never used. It’s essentially one long piece of fabric so you need to know exactly how to wrap it. It’s actually not that complicated. I spent about 10 minutes practicing while watching THIS video. After that I was essentially a pro. It does take some practice to get it just right, but it’s not as tough as it seems. The fabric is thin and lightweight, comes in beautiful colors, and allows for the best newborn naps (though you can use it for up to 25 pounds). At 7 months I still sometimes use this wrap but might need to phase it out soon, which makes me incredibly sad.

For comfort with a bit more support: Boppy ComfyChic

This carrier is kind of under-the-radar and I feel like no one has it, but I love it! I was sent a press sample and it quickly became a favorite. It’s a mix between a structured carrier and a fabric carrier, so it’s very comfortable while giving you a lot of support. It’s also very easy to put on and take off. I find this to be a very cozy carrier and works for up to 35 pounds.

For quick short carries: Wildbird Sling

The sling is another style that takes some getting used to. I found this carrier not that comfortable or supportive with a newborn but really like it for the ages of 6 months and up when your baby has more neck control. You can use it for newborns, it just wasn’t my preference at that time. Perhaps I wasn’t putting it on exactly right. Once you get the hang of putting it on, it’s the fastest one to get on and put your baby in. I don’t find it supportive enough if I’m going on a long walk, but for shorter wears I do love it.

When you need more support: Ergobaby Omni 360 All-Position Carrier

For the most supportive option, the Egobaby is a great choice. It holds up to 45 pounds, but honestly I cannot imagine carrying around a 45 pound baby (Millie is 26 pounds and I can’t imagine putting her in a carrier at 2.5 years old). If you’re going on a long walk and want back support, choose a structured carrier like this one. And not that men can’t wear the other three carriers I mentioned, but this is the only one my husband has ever worn.

There are a few other carriers that look great and I’d love to try, but I think at this point I’ve hit my baby carrier limit. Do you have a favorite I didn’t mention? Please share it below!

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