How to Manage Nursing with Two Under Two, Plus Toddler Toys That Make It Possible

April 28, 2021

There were a lot of elements to juggling two under 2 that I was nervous about. At 5 weeks into this new gig of mother of two, I can’t say that I’m an expert, but I’m definitely learning as I go.

While I’m trying to split my attention and time between a 22 month old and a newborn, one of the most challenging times to make this happen is while I’m breastfeeding. This is especially hard during the first few weeks. If you’ve been through the newborn phase, you know those tiny babies eat often and for long stretches. And it usually means you’re stuck on the couch, on a glider, or uncomfortably hunched over on the floor while trying to feed your baby. And if you have multiple kids, you’re also trying to keep an eye on the older one(s).

My initial go-to tactic to keep my toddler in place during nursing sessions was to pop on an episode of Sesame Street or Cocomelon. But when nursing for 3+ hours a day, that’s way more screen time than I want (and also Millie gets bored).

In an effort to keep things interesting (and safe) for Millie while I nurse, I took to Instagram to ask for advice. I received so many good ideas and I’m going to share them with you today. Also you’ll notice many of the ideas involve toys or play, so I’m also sharing a few favorite items that make it possible.

Tips for Entertaining a Toddler while Nursing a Newborn

  • Create a special basket of toys you only bring out while nursing. Keep the basket hidden at other times. Rotate the toys so they continue to be interesting and seem new to your toddler.
  • Nurse in an enclosed space so your toddler can roam around and be safe. Make sure this dedicated space is a place your toddler can easily run around in without you having to worry about things like sharp corners or dangerous objects. Consider the nursery or a dedicated playroom.
  • Give your toddler snacks that take a long time to eat (like Cheerios)
  • Do activities where you sit so you can play while nursing (like a tea party)
  • Get a learning computer for your toddler so they can play and learn independently.
  • Create a helper basket for your toddler with things for the baby (burp cloths, diapers, etc) and have them get you things that will be helpful.
  • Let them watch TV and don’t feel guilty about it!

I’ve found that Millie has gotten very good at independent and imaginative play recently, which is immensely helpful for keeping her entertained while I nurse.

I don’t need to be totally involved in what she is doing and often I can sit back and let her do her thing. I’ll occasionally ask questions or give her ideas of what to do to keep her going. I used to think that I needed to be playing with her or that I needed to be involved in her activities at all times, but I’ve since learned that independent play is important for toddler development and you should give them space sometimes.

For most nursing sessions Millie is playing independently in a safe space where I can watch her, or she’s watching TV. Those are our go-to’s for this unique time. I try not to depend too heavily on TV, but I’ve also been letting go of some of the guilt I felt because I know this tough juggle isn’t forever and some TV is totally OK.

If your child is starting to get into independent play, here are a handful of the toddler toys we love in our home.

The Figgy Playset & Couch: Oh where to start with this item! We were gifted this kid’s couch and it is the perfect item for keeping energetic toddlers moving and playing. It’s basically a kid’s couch that can be reconfigured a million different ways. Millie sits on it, climbs on it, and jumps on it. It’s also comfy for me to sit on with her. It’s very sturdy, machine washable, and is the central item in our basement playroom. I love this item because I know it will grow with Millie and I can envision her and her brother playing on it for years to come.

Melissa and Doug Water Wow: I originally bought these mess-free painting pads for car rides, but they are great for at home when you don’t want to micromanage your little ones painting or drawing to ensure they don’t make a huge mess.

Leapfrog Shapes and Sharing Picnic Basket: We just got this cute picnic set and Millie loves having pretend picnics with me and her dolls.

My First Doll Stroller: Millie is a mini mama in the making and is obsessed with her baby dolls. She is also obsessed with this stroller, which she will fill with all her toys and push around the house for a really long time.

Melissa & Doug Star Diner Restaurant Play Set: We have a play diner/kitchen set for Millie which is a bit of an investment (we have this one), but whether or not you have a play kitchen, it’s worth getting some accessories for imaginative play. Millie enjoys pouring coffee for me and her stuffed animals while I nurse.

I hope these ideas and products are helpful for other moms of multiple kids out there. If you have any other advice to share on the topic, I’d love to hear about it below!

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