My Guiding Word and The One Resolution I’m Setting for 2021

January 4, 2021

Every year I love to write resolutions and also enjoy having them on my blog so I can go back and reference them. Because like many others, I write resolutions and a few months later forget them. 2020 was no exception to this. Our world was turned upside down in 2020 so it’s no wonder that sticking to resolutions seemed impossible. This is especially true if you resolved to do things like travel more (sorry to me & you!).

Last year I wrote out a short list of my intentions for the new year, some I stuck to and some I didn’t. Looks like I resolved to explore more of the PNW at the time, I’m sure you can guess how that turned out. But even things that were more in my control (like be on my phone less) didn’t happen. Instead of dwelling on why I didn’t stick to my goals and instead of trying to reset the same intentions, this year I’m taking a bit of a different approach.

Instead of a list, I’m going with a guiding word and one resolution. By choosing a guiding word, you can compile a bunch of actions behind it that bring you to the place you want to be. Throughout the year you can think of your guiding word and do a mini check-in to see if it’s a part of your life. This seems more attainable than referring back to a long list of to-do items and hopeful accomplishments.

My guiding word for 2021: Presence

I’m choosing PRESENCE as my guiding word for 2021 because there is still a lot out of our control (as there always is), and I don’t want that to get in the way of me enjoying the good things around me and being in the moment. I find it particularly challenging to set resolutions when I’ll be welcoming a new baby into the family because you really don’t know what you’re in store for.

Common resolutions include reading more, getting eight hours of sleep, working out, cooking more, etc. Throw a new baby into the mix and these types of goals sort of fly out the window. Yes, I’d love to get eight hours of sleep and right now with a well-rested toddler I actually can do that. But I know for sure that won’t be the case when a newborn comes. I have no idea what life will be like. Even so, I do know that I want to present for all the moments and take them all in.

My One Resolution: Put effort into this blog

This one feels kind of silly after many years of considering putting more effort into this blog and than not actually doing it. But I really would like to try to turn this blog into more. I haven’t done this previously because of a list of excuses: I don’t have time, I don’t feel inspired, or I don’t have the energy. And honestly, that’s all BS. This past year has taught me that it’s up to me to motivate myself. When I’ve had projects  that aren’t just about self-motivation, I get my shit done.

A little over a year ago I started writing for The Everymom. Each week it doesn’t matter if I’m feeling uninspired or I’m busy, I still write my pitches and turn in my stories on time (at least 3 stories a week!). I’m motivated because it’s a job I’ve committed to. The same goes for the book I wrote and had published in 2020. I was given six weeks from start to finish to write an entire book. I got it done on time because my contract said I had to, so of course I did it. But with the blog no one is paying me or having me a sign a contract, so if I’m not feeling motivated I don’t do it. And that’s why I’ve barely posted in the past couple of years.

BUT! I’ve always had in the back of my mind that I have what it takes to make this space special, just like all other other blogs I read and love. It’s a bit of “why not me?” when it comes to this blog. Why shouldn’t I put in the effort and try to make it more of a destination?

Will I be publishing a post every single day? No, but I am taking some time to figure out exactly what I want this space to represent and how I’ll get there. You’ll see this come together in the next few weeks/months.

Your Turn

So that’s what I’ve got for today as we head into the first full week of a new year. I’m weary of what’s ahead (so many unknowns), but I’m also excited and energized about it.

Do you have a guiding word or resolution for the new year? I’d love for you to share below!

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  • Love presence as a guiding word for the year! Mine is JOY for this year.

    Still figuring out some of my other little mini goals and intentions.

  • I love this! It is so hard to be present at times with so many distractions.

    My word for this year would have to be organization. I want to take time and organize various parts of my home, my financial matters and create a less chaotic way to live so I can just feel happy.

    I look forward to more blogs as the year(s) goes on.

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