Whole30 Recap for Postpartum & Nursing Moms

December 11, 2019

Whole30 Nursing

I finished another round of Whole30! And I’m excited to share how it went, some things I learned along the way, and a couple of tips for fellow new moms who may be thinking of taking on a Whole30.

Below are common questions/topics and my thoughts. Let’s jump in!

Why Did you Do Whole30?

I’ve done Whole30 a couple of times already and know that I always feel good at the end. After having a baby I was proud of what my body had done, but felt drained, wanted more energy, wanted to lose a few pounds, and most importantly wanted to be more conscious of what I was eating. It’s tough to find the energy to eat balanced meals while caring for a newborn, which meant I was grabbing whatever was easiest/fastest (so much frozen pizza!). Once Millie was 4 months old I wanted to get into a better routine, caring more about the food I was consuming instead of going for the quickest choice.

What Were Your Results?

I’m very happy with how it went. I took before and after photos which you can see below.  Those photos really tell the story. I weighed myself day 1 and day 31 and lost about 6 pounds. That’s not a huge amount (especially because I was about +17 pounds at the start compared with my pre-pregnancy weight). I actually expected to lose more weight and at first was disappointed. Then I looked at the before and after photos and could see such a difference.

Also important to note, results go far beyond a number on the scale. I feel really good about how I’m choosing healthier options, doing more meal prep and overall am giving more attention to what I’m eating.

whole30 before and after

Can You Do Whole30 While Nursing & Does it Impact Supply?

Yes! And Maybe? Everyone is different so it’s hard to say that every woman can do Whole30 while nursing and maintain a good milk supply. If you are committed to breastfeeding I think that your milk supply should be of most importance. I’ve talked to a couple of friends who have done Whole30 while nursing and they saw a major dip in their supply, so they quit (which I 100% would do as well). I kept an eye on my supply with pumping and monitoring my baby’s mood. All seemed to be going well so I don’t believe my supply was impacted.

I’ve read you should wait until about 4-6 months postpartum and your supply is well established before trying Whole30 or something like like it.

What Should You do Differently if Nursing?

Again, everyone is different. My recommendation based on my own experience and what I’ve read is to make sure you are eating enough. Whole30 talks about no snacks but if you’re nursing, ignore this rule. Eat snacks and make sure you are never hungry or waiting too long between meals. Make sure you get enough carbs through compliant sources (like potatoes.

Can You Do Whole30 While Pregnant?

Yes, you can! I did not do Whole30 while pregnant. While online sources say it’s safe and many women have done it, it didn’t feel right for me. I was all about intuitive eating while pregnant. I did gain about 42 pounds sooo maybe I could have benefitted from Whole30? It was important that I didn’t restrict myself during pregnancy, I just wanted to focus on how I was feeling while making mostly healthy choices (while also giving into some cravings, because pregnancy, duh).

What Are the best/easiest go-to Whole30 snacks?

I have a post all about this coming soon!

Tips for Eating Out/Ordering In?

Eating out and ordering in is possible but it’s honestly pretty boring. I don’t like spending money at a restaurant to have something I could easily make at home. And when you’re on Whole30 that’s more or less your only option. But in terms of being social, sometimes it’s worth going out to eat and ordering the boring option! Things I would eat out include grilled chicken, egg dishes at brunch, sashimi at a sushi restaurant. Pretty bland things. I would ask what type of oil was used for cooking and if it was dairy free, but I tried not to be too crazy about this.

Can You/Should You Exercise During Whole30?

You certainly can! I always advocate for exercise. If it’s part of your routine or there’s a way you can fit it in, I’d always say yes. At some points of Whole30 you’ll feel your energy levels dip but fight through it! Your energy should come up and exceed how you’d be feeling before.

I didn’t exercise much just because of the whole baby at home thing and not much time. This was actually one of the reasons I did Whole30. I wanted to feel healthier and was struggling to prioritize exercise. Making sure I was eating healthy was more doable with a baby at home.

I believe you’ll see results regardless of whether you exercise or not, but in general exercise is an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

What’s the Hardest Part of Whole30?

I think the hardest part is trying to be social while doing Whole30. Going out to eat, attending parties, going to happy hours–those types of activities can be hard. It’s all about priorities. If you really want to stick to a plan like Whole30, you won’t let those outings get in the way. I’ve heard some people say, “oh I did Whole30, but I let myself have wine.” Okay, so good for you for making healthy choices and finding a plan that works for you. But that is NOT Whole30. Like it or not, Whole30 is very much an all-or-nothing 30 days. Do what works for you, but don’t call it Whole30 if it isn’t 😉

I didn’t have any trips or big events planned during these 30 days, so it was fairly easy to stick to my plan.

Alright! That pretty much covers the most common questions I received about Whole30, particularly during breastfeeding and with a new baby. If you have any other questions or your own Whole30 tips/experiences to share, please post them in the comments, I’d love to hear them!

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