Friday Fitness: 6 Fit Ways to Soak Up Summer

August 10, 2018

We’re deep into August, time to get moving on that summer bucket list!

Summer Bucket List

Whenever I know I’m moving and there is an end-date in sight, I create a bucket list. I did this when I moved out of New York City, when I moved out of San Francisco and I’m doing it again as I prepare to leave Barcelona (crying all the tears over here).

When I prepared to leave NYC and SF it felt really different. Those cities are extremely accessible and I knew I’d be back. Especially to NYC where many of my friends still live. It wasn’t IF I’d be back, it was more a question of WHEN. Barcelona feels different because will I be back? I absolutely love this city and have had such an amazing time living here. But Spain is far away, there’s so much else I want to see in Europe and I just don’t know for sure that I’ll be back. And if I am, it would likely be a short stop over to elsewhere. I truly hope that I am back in this beautiful city again in the future (I think it will happen), but just in case, I’m really amping up my to-do list.

If you’re into to-do lists, now’s the time to take advantage of the last few weeks of summer. We’ve been doing all the fun summery beachy things over here, trying to embrace the 95 degree heat. Here are a few ways to finish summer on a high & healthy note:

Summer Bucket List: 6 Fit Ways to Soak Up Summer

Go Kayaking

An arm workout while you tan, what more could you want out of summer? We recently kayaked in the Delta Ebro. We brought Ollie and he’s not the biggest fan, but we made it work. If we’re being real though, our kayak trip was supposed to be 2.5 hours but it was hot, I was tired and well, we turned around before hitting our beach destination. It was still a lovely day on the water and a fun way to experience new scenery.

Try Rooftop Yoga

There’s something really magical about doing yoga with fresh air around you instead of in a stuffy studio. It’s also a bit liberating to practice without a mirror. I recently went to a yoga class at Ago Yoga in Barcelona but instead of practicing in the studio, we went to a nearby hotel and practiced in the courtyard, followed by fresh juice on the roof. Such a pleasant surprise! Some gyms offer rooftop yoga but if not, search for special events happening in your city, there’s bound to be something hosted nearby.

Go For a Run on the Beach

Running on the beach is HARD. Your calves are going to burn, but it’s a great way to work different muscle groups and challenge your balance. Also you can jump in the ocean at the end to cool off, so it’s not so bad.

Balance with Stand Up Paddle Board

If you’re feeling steady, try some yoga on the board while you’re at it. It’s key to do this activity in the summer because if you fall in the water, it’s no biggie, in fact you might want to fall into the water based on recent temperatures.

Take an Outdoor Bootcamp Class

Grab a few friends and sign up for an early morning or at-dusk (to avoid the high heat) outdoor bootcamp. I think we’ve all become a bit too reliant on fancy group fitness classes and super intricate equipment, but sometimes all you need is a park bench and a pair of running shoes.

Eat All the Acai

I’ve been super into acai bowls this summer. I’m not used to the heat here (in SF it literally never felt like some summer and I was always too cold to have a smoothie). Here though after being outside for five minutes, the only thing I crave is an acai bowl. Give into that craving and cool down with this antioxidant rich treat.

summer bucket list

summer bucket list

This photo cracks me up. Ollie’s expressions is priceless and it looks like he has human feet, it’s too good.

What’s on your summer bucket list?

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