Friday’s Fitness: Legs & Cardio HIIT for When You’re Short on Time

March 2, 2018

Legs & Cardio HIIT

TGIF! Do you have anything fun planned for the weekend? We’re gearing up for our first European ski weekend! We’re heading to Andorra, a country I had literally never heard of until I moved to Spain. It’s just under 3 hours driving from where we live and we’ll hit the slopes for a day or two. This will be a good warm up for our future trip to Switzerland, which I’m currently in the process of planning.

Whatever your weekend holds, if you’re trying to squeeze in a workout but don’t have a ton of time, this workout is perfect.

I did this routine earlier this week. I wanted to get in a sweat, but didn’t have the energy for a 60-minute session, so I came up with this quickie. None of the elements are timed, so the time it takes to complete this will vary depending on how fast you’re moving. Including warm up, it took me just slightly over 20 minutes start to finish and I burned 200 calories. I wanted to hit 30 minutes at the gym so I added 5 minutes of incline walking and a short abs and stretching set before getting on with my day.

Here’s today’s Legs & Cardio HIIT routine for my fitness friends short on time.

Legs and Cardio HIIT

Legs & Cardio HIIT Helpful Hints:

-This workout can be done on a treadmill or outside. If you’re outside, make sure you know how far 400 meters is (it’s equivalent to 1 loop around a standard track).

-If you’re in the gym, it’s best to find a treadmill with space nearby to complete the accompanying moves. Be aware of your space and make quick transitions by doing your squats, lunges, etc right by the treadmill.

-Make sure to check your time after you complete each 400 meter run. In the next round, try to beat your time. 400 meters isn’t very far so don’t expect to cut major amounts of time each round; even if you cut 2 seconds each round, that’s a huge win!

-After you complete your 400 meter run, don’t jump onto the rails of the treadmill, slow the treadmill and slow your pace. When you jump on the rails, you can risk injury. Also, whatever speed you sprint at, you should be able to come out of with a jog and not be forced to jump the rails.

And with that, I’ll leave you to enjoy your weekend. See you back here Monday!

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