Friday’s Fitness: Push Up to Curl Challenge

February 9, 2018

push up challenge

When I lived in NYC and then SF, I had the best workouts at my fingertips. Working at Equinox, I’d frequent different classes (Metcon3 remains my fave to this day) and I’d jump around to all the boutique studios. Barrys, barre, yoga sculpt and pilates, the options were endless. Now that I’m in Spain? It’s not the same. I’m going to check out the few boutiques that exist, but for the most part I’ll be making my own workouts.

At first, I was pretty bummed out about this. Ugh, I have to make up my own workouts every day? Then I remembered that I already did this weekly in SF! The difference was that I was making them for a group, not myself.  In SF, I was creating 2-3 workouts a week to teach to in my Equinox group fitness classes. Admittedly, it’s often more fun to lead a room of energetic people than to do them solo, but that’s where I’m currently at.

Since I’m putting this effort into brainstorming workouts, I should spread the love! Weekly, I’ll be sharing a workout on the blog. These will mostly be workouts you can do with simple equipment (mat, weights, resistance bands, etc).  Because of the simple equipment, these are ideal to do at home if you have weights, in hotel gyms while traveling, or at the gym when you just can’t make it to a class.

Today, I’m sharing our first workout! This one is focused on a simple, yet oh-so-hard move: the push up. Push ups are something I’ve always struggled with, but when you do them often, you can quickly see improvement.

Push Up to Curl Challenge

This challenge is a mini arm add-on. I suggest adding this after a run or whatever cardio you’re into. Aim to do this push up challenge two times per week. Each time you do it, add 2 push ups per set. That means the second time you do this, you’ll start with 14 push ups, then do 12, then 10 and so on, until you end with 4 push ups. Each week as your strength grows, you’ll increase the challenge.

This routine has a decent amount of push ups. I recommend starting on your toes, even if it’s only for a couple of reps. If you need to, drop to your knees and continue focusing on good form.

Pin this workout and keep it handy!

Push Up challenge

My goal will be to post a new workout every Friday. Happy Weekend All!

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