Getting Back on Track: 4 Ways to Spark Wellness Motivation

November 6, 2017

Wellness Motivation

Exactly one year ago today I was at the brunch after my wedding, digging into a huge piece of leftover wedding cake (carrot cake, damn it was good). I was joking with all my friends that I was so glad my wedding diet was over and I’ll probably never be motivated to be so healthy ever again. This post isn’t about my wedding diet, but I’ll just remind you that my wedding “diet” was extremely healthy. I didn’t crash diet or over exercise. I stuck to really healthy habits so I’d feel my best on my wedding day. It wasn’t about being my skinniest, but it was about feeling my most confident.

When the wedding was over, as I had half-joked, my motivation totally tanked. We moved to SF in the midst of wedding prep, so there were a ton of restaurants I had wanted to try but was saving for after the wedding. I tried ’em all, and they were delicious! Now it’s been a year and I haven’t quite gotten that motivation back. I don’t expect to ever be quite as motivated as I was pre-wedding, but my healthy habits have been wavering quite a bit. I still cook a lot and work out often, but I’m not where I want to be. And I’ve been okay with it.

Sometimes we’ll feel our best, and other times less so. But now I’m ready to get back to feeling really good, actually I’ve been feeling ready for a while but haven’t quite gotten it together (it’s hard!). I’ve been brainstorming ways to refocus and feel that once-strong motivation to follow a healthy routine.

If you feel that same motivation struggle, here are a few ways that have helped me.

Four Ways to Spark Wellness Motivation

Write it Down

Before you start action items, always think about the WHY. Why do you want to make healthy changes, what’s the motivation behind it all? For me, it’s feeling good and increasing my energy. Ok and to lose a few pounds if I’m being totally honest. Also, I have a lot of travel coming up and I want to go into that on top of my game. Traveling always tends to throw my routine upside down, so going in with a good base is key. Your goals might be different. Maybe you’re training for a race and have a big PR in mind, maybe you’re looking to solve food sensitivities, want to improve your strength, whatever it is, think about the WHY for YOU.

Make a Plan

It takes more than just saying you’re going to make healthy changes. What are those healthy changes going to be? Will it be waking up at 6am for workouts 3 times a week? Will it be cooking at home 4 nights a week? Make concrete plans and you’ll be more likely to stick with it. Making general or vague plans often lead to too much wavering with habits.

Enlist a Friend

I don’t have workout friends here that I can easily meet up with for consistent plans, but that doesn’t mean we can’t motivate each other, even from afar. My friend (who is getting married this weekend!) and I have been doing Kayla’s BBG workouts and keeping each other accountable via text. Even if she’s across the country, knowing we’re in it together and can talk about how much we hate Step Ups makes it more fun.

Count on your Community

If you have a favorite studio, check out special events and challenges coming up. If nearby studios don’t have any, chat with management about creating one together. I’m super excited to be starting a challenge today with my local Pilates studio MNT. I’m joining a 14 day challenge; the goal is to take 10 classes and comes with an optional cleanse system hosted by Molly of I’m out of town for 4 of the 14 days so it’s going to be quite the challenge, but I’m going to give it a go.

Wellness Motivation

Any other MNT challengers out there? I can’t wait to get started!

If you’re struggling to find motivation and to stay on track, remember that you are not alone. Even as a wellness blogger and fitness instructor, I struggle often. On top of that, people tend to roll their eyes at me and say they don’t believe me. But it’s true, I struggle and for the past few months it’s been getting me a bit down and frustrated.

I’m ready to make some changes and if you’re in the same boat, I hope these tips help and you’re on the way to feeling motivated to hit your goals, whatever they may be.


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