My Triathlon Plans: To Tri or Not to Tri

April 10, 2017

To race or not to race, a question that has come up for my future triathlon plans. Read on to hear why I may skip out on my next scheduled race.

triathlon plans

Triathlons are near and dear to my heart. I love the race and how it never gets boring; just as you’re tired of swimming it’s time to bike, just as you’re ready to hop off the bike, it’s time to run. This week I wrote a story for, 7 reasons to Try a Tri and if you’re considering adding this race to your summer plans, I encourage you to take the plunge.

So if I love triathlons so much, why am I considering backing out of the one I’m supposed to do in a month? Currently, I’ve got a spot in the Santa Rosa Half Ironman in wine country, but every day I think about whether I’m actually going to do it. I’m no stranger to signing up for a race and failing to follow a training plan, but I still tend to do the race, just not quite as prepared as I hoped to be. But a half ironman sounds a little intense to be unprepared for, which is why I’m still on the fence.

I’ve been working out a lot (per usual) but not tri training so to speak. I’ve been swimming a handful of times and have gone on some short runs, but oh yea, I still don’t have my bike out here. Whoops, that would be a key piece of getting through this race.

I hate to be a flake and back down from things I said I was going to do, but sometimes it’s best to take a step back and ask why. If I do the race, is it just because I said I would, but in reality, I don’t want to? Or is there a greater reason why I should do it?

When I take a step back from this particular race, most signs point to backing out. I’m not prepared and I don’t (yet) have all the necessary equipment. Oh also there was a different tri in Napa this past week and 30 participants got hypothermia because the water temps were 37 degrees, yikes! But then I look at the Ironman website and read about the race and it looks so pretty and I question my decision. The good news is, I don’t have to decide right now. I’m already signed up, and my race registration fee was waived so I’m not losing money (you better believe if I paid for the race, I’d do it no questions asked) and I can take all the time I want to decide (ya know, up to race day in 6 weeks).

The other good news is that there’s always another race around the corner to train for, and I have my eye on a few.

And while I may back out, I also want to say one more time, that I really do love triathlons! I did a ton while living in NYC and it was so fun to train and race with friends. Out here, I had thought about joining a training group or team, but never pulled the trigger. Training alone just isn’t as fun and inspiring. I’m bummed that I might not do the race because I know how fun and exciting race day can be.

The point of this post is to let you all know where I’m at, since I told you about training for this race months ago. The other point is to let you know that sometimes it’s okay to change your mind. I’m not saying flake out on commitments, but remember it’s okay for your feelings about things and events to evolve and change, and as long as you aren’t breaking a commitment that involves someone else, it’s okay to have a change of heart.

I’ll keep you posted on what I ultimately decide to do, but I think we can see where this one is headed.

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