City Walking: Favorite Podcasts & Sneakers

February 23, 2017


I walk a lot in San Francisco. Like a lot a lot. I’m typically around 20k steps a day (thanks Fitbit for the accountability). Sure, maybe I should learn how to use public transportation, but when walking is possible, that’s the mode I’ll always opt for. It may be the New Yorker in me; NYC is the absolute best place to walk. You can walk for blocks and blocks and never get bored. I’ll admit, it’s not quite as good in SF. I walk to most of the classes I teach, the distance from my apartment ranges from a 10 minute walk to a 30 minute walk, plus I typically walk Ollie 3-4 times a day. The scenery isn’t quite as entertaining as NYC, but at least the route is hill-free from my neighborhood.

With so much walking, my first priority is safety. In NYC there were always people around. No matter what time of day or night, it always felt pretty safe because you were never alone. Here, not so much. It’s definitely an adjustment from the always bustling NYC life. In SF even as early as 8pm, I sometimes feel unsafe as I’ll be the only one in sight–creepy, right? On the plus side, the weather is almost always perfect for walking and you can easily go on beautiful seaside walks. When I’m walking in daylight or am surrounded by people and feeling safe, I’ll listen to podcasts to keep me entertained. Looking to add some pods your commute? Read on.


My Favorite Podcasts for Walking

Bitch Sesh: A Real Housewives Breakdown: Casey Wilson & Danielle Schneider basically talk shit about the real housewives of all cities for an hour, throwing in occasional commentary on Vanderpump and Southern Charm. This a podcast that awkwardly has me laughing out loud when walking alone. If you are a Bravo fan who isn’t listening to this podcast yet, I don’t know what you’re doing with your life (dramatic, but true).

Channel 33: Bachelor Party: This is a recap postcast of The Bachelor or Bachelorette. Are you sensing a theme? I watch trashy TV then I listen to people talk about it…judge me if you must. The host Juliet has former and current bachelor stars as guests and basically says all the things I’m thinking while watching the show.

The Balanced Blonde: Soul on Fire: Jordan Younger of hosts this weekly podcast interviewing other bloggers and social folks you probably follow, learning about their passions and what sets their souls on fire. I love this podcast because I always feel inspired after listening. Plus, she interviews all of my faves from the internet (@RachLMansfield, @ShutTheKaleUp, @IAmEmilyNolan, etc) and I learn way more about them than what you see via Instagram.

Dear Sugar: Wild author Cheryl Strayed and Steve Almond, both former “Dear Sugar” advice column writers host this podcast going deep on reader advice questions. Their advice is insightful and even if you can’t relate to all podcasts, some will definitely strike a cord. Be warned, this podcast is way deeper than my housewives and bachelor podcasts 😉

Who Weekly: Another light topic! Hosts Bobby and Lindsay talk about “celebrities” you sort of know, but not really. They are known as the “whos” of the celeb world, versus the “thems” the people who are very famous and well known. If you’re into obscure celeb news, you may find this one amusing.

OMFG: Hosts Emily and Deanna invite “youths” to the show to interview them about what’s cool and hip with the kids (teens and early 20s). If you’re like me and in your early 30s and slowly but surely losing touch with what the kids are up to, this is a fun listen.


Comfortable + Cute Sneakers for Walking

And while I’m staying entertained, I need to stay comfortable. With so much walking, supportive shoes are important, but I also want them to look cute. These are the best for achieving both:

Sneaker Walking Tips

Nike Tanjun ($64.99) / NB x J.Crew 711V2 ($79.99) / New Balance for J.Crew 620 ($80) / Adidas Adizero Boston 6 ($120) / Nike Flynit Lunarepic Low Flyknit ($200) / Nike Juvenate ($85)

I opt for mostly neutral colors, knowing it will match my clothing. With the exception of the gold New Balance sneakers, these are all walking and gym-appropriate. The Nike Flyknits are super lightweight and perfect if you’ll be storing them in your bag later.

With so much walking, even with six regular podcasts, I often run out of things to listen to. What are your favorite podcasts that I should add to my lineup?



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  • If you haven’t heard of it before, I really like The Skinny Confidential’s Podcast “Him & Her.” It’s fun and raw, but they also give great branding & blogging advice!

  • I’ve been loving That’s So Maven, Chasing Joy, Badass and Bare and Starrstruck Radio.

    I feel like once you’re used to all that walking in new york, it’s hard to NOT walk all the time. When I’m in LA I still try to walk a decent amount, even though I’m usually the only one on the sidewalk.

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