Letter To #MyFutureSelf

January 23, 2017

In partnership with New Balance, what would you say to #MyFutureSelf? Here’s what I hope my future self follows through on.

New Balance

If you could fast forward a month, a year, or even five years, what would you expect to see in your life?  Or rather, what do you hope to see in the future? If you could write a letter giving your future self a heads up, what would you say?

The past six months of my life have certainly been eventful and different. I’ve gone through a lot of life changes and I don’t know that I’ve taken the time to really appreciate where I am in my life right now. I’ve been pretty good about exploring San Francisco and enjoying the adventure, but I know that I could do more and be more to appreciate this exciting and interesting moment in time.

One thing I’ve noticed in the past few weeks is that I’ve been focusing on the negative. I consider myself to be a “glass half full” kind of girl, but recently I’ve taken more notice of what’s not going right instead of what is. I find myself complaining more than usual. I know that I have a lot to be thankful for and a lot is going right in my life, but when some things are off track, it can be easy to focus in on those instead of the bigger picture. If I were to fast forward a year, I hope that I could look back on this experience and see that I made a shift to focus on the good and pushed myself towards my goals.


#MyFutureSelf + New Balance

New Balance just launched a new campaign, #MyFutureSelf where they asked athletes what they would tell their future selves, showing who they are and who they want to be. I really connected with the letter by pro skateboarder Alexis Sablone. Have I ever stepped foot on a skateboard? No. But her message can resonate with all of us:

Pursue only the things you love.

Do that endlessly, without compromise, and without fear of failure. Do that and there will be no time wasted – nothing to regret.

So if you asked me to write a letter to my future self, here’s what it would say:


Live in the now. Of course you’ll think of your future, but don’t forget to enjoy the moment of where you currently are and what you’re experiencing, the good and the not-so-good.

Explore. Go on adventures. Take risks. Don’t be afraid to fail. Get uncomfortable.

See the positive side of things, even if you have to search a bit to find them.

Set big & meaningful goals for yourself and don’t hold back. If you fail, it’s a learning experience.

Be original and don’t compare yourself to others. Be your true authentic self, whatever and whoever that is.

You got this,



So what would you say to your future self? You can take part in the #MyFutureSelf program–write a letter to your future self via this link and in a year, New Balance will email it to you and you can see how your journey turned out.

Thank you New Balance for involving me in this campaign and for outfitting my future adventures!

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