Should You Do a January Whole30?

December 16, 2016

January Whole30 is a challenging, yet amazing way to start a new year, and here’s why you should do it.

january whole30

The end of the year means holiday parties, champagne, indulgent meals and generally many of us ditching our healthy habits. And of course, that means many people are looking towards January 1 to kick start resolutions and goals. I know, I know, we should strive to make and crush goals all year long, but I especially love January 1 as that extra fresh start. How can you not feel more motivated knowing you can hit restart and you’ve got a full year ahead of you to get shit done and be the best you?

I have a few friends toying with the idea of doing Whole30 for the month of January. As a Whole30 super-fan, I thought I’d share the pros and cons of taking on Whole30 to kick off the New Year. Side note: I’m not doing Whole30 in January but love that so many people are considering it!

Why You Should Do a January Whole30

You’ll Have Tons of Social Support: If you start the new year with Whole30, you certainly won’t be alone. It’s a very popular time to start and you’ll be able to commiserate and celebrate with a big virtual crew thanks to Instagram. If you check hashtag #JanuaryWhole30 you can follow all the other posters and get inspired to stay on track.

You’ll Feel Extra Motivated: Like I said, January 1 is a date that gets our butts in action, the perfect time to take control of your health. Whole30 is not the easiest to stick with, so take advantage of the boost you’ll feel at the start of a fresh year.

The Folks at Whole30 Will Help You Out: Sign up here and join the official Whole30 group starting January 2nd. They’ll email you freebies and resources throughout the month to keep you motivated and feeling good.

You’ll Set the Tone for the Rest of the Year: If you let yourself slide at the end of 2016, or maybe all of 2016, it’s about to be in the past. As we kick off a new year, think about the changes you want to make. Whole30 not only puts you on the right track by sticking to whole, real foods, it may help you to discover food intolerances you didn’t know you had. With that knowledge, you can make healthier choices all year-long (and hopefully for the rest of your life). While it may take a couple of weeks to kick in, Whole30 is said to boost energy levels. With a clear head and strong energy, you’ll be able to tackle the rest of your resolutions and goals for 2017.

Why You Shouldn’t Do January Whole30: I only have one item on this list. If you’ve really gone off the rails over the holidays, jumping right into Whole30 can be a serious shock to the system. Health-wise, it’s probably fine (reminder, I’m not a dr, this is just my opinion), but if you’ve been eating processed garbage and are hooked on sugar, the first week of Whole30 is going to be extra miserable. It’s usually best to ease in, cutting out most processed and sugary foods the couple of weeks leading up to starting Whole30. But hey, if you’re ready to take the pain, headaches and exhaustion for the first week or two of Whole30, I say go for it.

 Are You Doing January Whole30?

I’d love to hear who is going to take on the challenge! As a frequent Whole30-er, I love it and highly recommend it. Comment below if you’re set to do a January Whole30 and good luck to you smart healthy people!

My Favorite Whole30 Resources

And finally, for my Whole30 crew, these are my top resources to refer back to throughout the month:

January Whole30

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