An Honest Blogging Update

November 15, 2016

A check in with my readers on life, inspiration & blogging goals.


My blogging for the last few months has been sporadic at best. There are a bunch of things I could blame it on; I’ve been settling into a new city, I’ve been planning a wedding across the country, I’ve been teaching a lot, and so on. But I’m just going to be honest. I’ve been lacking inspiration and the desire to get down to business and write.

I thought that getting away from my former desk job would give me the time and energy I’d been previously missing and I’d be able to spend tons of time on my blog, working to grow and strengthen it. I’m sad to say, somehow the opposite has happened. I’ve come to learn that when I was in NYC and doing a million things, I had tons of inspiration. I had my friends, coworkers, a bustling city, my race trainings and I just knew what was up over there.

Here in SF? I’m making friends and learning my way around, but at the same time, part of me feels a bit lost. I think a big part of me ignored what a big change my life was going through. I put all my energies into wedding planning and ignored how hard it is to move across the country from the majority of your family and friends, starting fresh. I actually talked a little about this in my wedding vows. I said that it’s scary to move across the country, but when you are with the right partner, it’s less scary, and more of an exciting adventure. And I totally stand behind that statement, but there are still the hard parts.

I’ve had multiple friends and even some strangers in SF say to me–you’re totally killing it, taking the fitness world in SF by storm. teaching at a ton of studios within the first few months of moving here. And yes, maybe part of that is true, but let me tell you, I don’t feel like I’m killing it out here. I feel like I’m still working on finding my footing and know that it takes time. Teaching is also SO tiring and half the time I feel totally beaten down. But hey, I’ll take the compliments and try to take them as true 🙂

Another thing blocking me from inspiration, I don’t think I’ve been allowing myself to go out and do all the things I typically like to do. Part of it is not knowing what the city has to offer, part is for the past few months I’ve been very strict with my eating leading up to the wedding, but the other part is damn, this city is expensive. Working freelance and not having my steady regular paychecks that I’m used to has made me less willing to go out and spend money to explore. Half of me is like Yolo, let’s do all the activities, the other half is, but my hard-earned savings! Do you know the feeling? I’m sure you do.

I’m posting this to share some of my feelings with you, my readers, about where I’m at and where I hope to go. I want to put more energy and love into this blog and work towards my blogging goals; I’m ready to get focused. I want to get out explore, and make this city my home (for now). I’m also excited to sign up for some west coast races and get back to my training plans. I’m going to bring you the health and wellness content I’ve always focused on, but I’m also going to write about how my move has been, how I’m settling in, my thoughts on being a full-time fitness instructor and more.

So to my readers, thanks for sticking by me and let’s see where we go from here! xo

san francisco

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  • Moving is really hard! My husband and I moved (unplanned) a few months after our wedding and have moved to two other cities since then, including another move three months ago. I felt a huge let down after the wedding planning was over and had trouble embracing my new city. Try to cut yourself some slack, recognize that you are in a new place, and that it takes much longer to develop deep friendships as you get older and don’t spend as much concentrated time with your girlfriends. Maybe set a goal for yourself to reach out to one new person each week

    • Thanks Laura! Really appreciate your advice and also good to know that I don’t feel alone in this. I definitely need to put more effort into reach out to new people, will be a big goal for me in 2017!

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