100 Mile Challenge: Reconnecting with Running

October 26, 2016

Creating a 100 Mile challenge and why I want to run those 100 miles in the first place.

100 mile challenge

For the past 3-4 months my workouts have primarily been in the studio—the cycling, megaformer, barre and OTF studios. My focus has been all about that wedding bod. I’m not afraid to admit that my goals for the wedding had nothing to do with being the fastest or strongest I’ve ever been, but more focused on leaning and toning.

The wedding is almost here guys! It’s next Saturday and I’m feeling really good. I’m continuing with toning workouts and trying to eat as lean as possible. But then what? As a wellness blogger and fitness instructor, of course I’m not going to stop working out as soon as the wedding is over, but my focus will shift.

I love the workouts I’ve been doing. I’ve become a huge fan of Avant-Barre, my local barre studio, and Core40 targets muscles I didn’t even know I had. I’m planning to continue those workouts, although perhaps not with the same frequency.

One thing I haven’t been doing much of is straight up running. I take 2 Orangetheory classes a week, which includes about 23 minutes of treadmill work. The tread work is super challenging (hills, sprints, etc), but I’m missing my long outdoor exploration runs. Since moving to SF I’ve only checked out a couple of running routes and it’s time for me to get out and see what this city has to offer.

brooklyn bridge

A tried and true favorite route in NYC. Now it’s time to see what SF’s got for me.

Enter the 100 Mile Challenge

This past week, when one of my OTF students and now friends proposed a 100 mile running challenge, it took about 60 seconds to convince me. Our goal is to run 100 miles during the month of November. Because we spend a good chunk of time at OTF, we’ll count those miles towards our total.

Why do the 100 mile challenge?

If you’re a regular reader, you know I love to set goals and challenges and it makes me work harder. Also, with the wedding almost here and now that I’m feeling more settled in SF, there are a bunch of west coast races (half marathons & triathlons) I’d like to sign up for. I really miss race race training and challenging myself to go farther faster and taking the initial steps to get back into a running routine will get me on my way.

How to hit 100 Miles

Because I don’t currently have any races on the calendar, I’m going to have to stay on top of my miles and make a plan at the start of each week. My goal is to do a steady flow of miles each week, a few short runs and maybe one long run during the weekend. Because I love all my other workouts and still have a full schedule of teaching, it’s going to be a challenge to make those miles work, while not neglecting my other workouts. Hopefully during the month I’ll find some local races to check out to help keep me motivated.

you got this

Stay Up-to-date on the 100 mile challenge

I’ll give you a weekly recap of how the challenge is going and how many miles I’m racking up. Because the wedding is the first week of November, it’s going to be a rocky start, but that just means I’ll need to work extra hard come mid-November. Stay tuned for the challenge kick-off on November 1!

Have you done a mileage challenge? Any advice? Want to join in this challenge? Comment below and let’s do it!

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