Freelancing Life + How to Master Morning Workouts

August 31, 2016

Morning Workouts

As I test the waters of a freelancers life, I’ve been tapping into one of my passions–writing. In college I wanted to major in journalism (but then realized Michigan didn’t have that major, whoops) and have always felt very connected to writing. Perhaps it’s because my mom is a writer that I’ve always enjoyed it. While I considered a career in writing (original dream job: magazine editor), my career path went in a few different directions, ultimately leading me to roles where writing was a part of the job description, but not at the forefront.

Now that I’m exploring new avenues in my career, I’ve been trying to write beyond my blog. This has been my creative space for years and will continue to be so, with the addition of freelancing gigs on the side.

First one up, I’ve been writing health and wellness pieces for DC Refined, a site dedicated to lifestyle, entertainment, food, fitness and more in the Washington, DC area (where I grew up.). Check out my first piece, 5 Easy and Healthy Beachside Snacks.

Mastering Morning Workouts

My second piece came out this week, How to Become a Morning (Workout) Person.. I’m no stranger to morning workouts. I’ve been teaching fitness classes before the sun rises for the last 10 years. It’s hard to believe, but as a senior in college I’d wake up at 5;30am and drive to a local gym to teach cycling. Even during the harsh snowy Michigan winter, I’d get up, wipe off my car and head out. When trying to think back on that, I really can’t believe I did it. But here I am, 10 years later still doing that early morning workout thing.

Currently I’m teaching 11+ classes a week and two days a week my first class begins at 5am on the dot. That is early, right? Waking up at 4am on the regular doesn’t seem right. Those crazy wake up hours are typically reserved for flights to somewhere awesome. Not anymore, now it’s just another day. When I had a full-time office job, even when I wasn’t teaching, I’d do my best to get my workout done by 8am. Working out before work sets you up for success throughout the day. You make smarter food choices, you’ll be more energized and productive, and you don’t have to worry about plans popping up after work or simply being too tired to workout later.

Now that I’m not heading to an office everyday, I am still making an effort to workout first thing. If I leave it for later, my day feels interrupted and I find it hard to focus on other tasks, knowing I need to fit that workout in.

Whatever your schedule, finding time to workout can be tough, but it’s so important. If early mornings might be your best bet, this article is for you. I’ve got five tips to share, and you can read them all here: How to Become a Morning (Workout) Person.

Do you do the early morning workouts? If so, what gets you up and moving in the am?


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  • What is your typical morning routine?I am a junior in college and open the fitness studio MWF at 4:30 and TT I have to be there at 7:30. I feel so weird waking up at 3:30 so I usually wake up at 4:10 and change then head up there (and finish getting ready during the break before class lol). While I usually am able to brew a quick cup of coffee on my keurig I hate not having a routine. Any tips? I have a roommate and a pup so I hate feeling like i will wake them up

    • Omg 3:30am! That is even crazier than my mornings! It’s definitely tough and takes time to get in a routine. I recommend setting up your gym/day bag with all your essentials the day before, have the coffee ready to go so all you have to do is press the on button and head out the door. As quick as it is, THAT will be your routine to help you through! Afternoon naps help too 🙂 Good luck!

  • Oh my god you are my idol! I’m going to start teaching 7am classes at 24 hr fitness and even that feels super early to me! Hopefully I will get used to it soon 🙂

    • Omg thanks, you’re too kind 🙂 7am is still super early! Promise your body and mind will adjust, it does take time though. Make sure you set up literally ALL your gear the night before so you don’t have to use any brainpower getting out the door. Once you’re in a routine it won’t feel so early and you’ll love it. Excited to hear how it goes!

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