Clean Eating Update + Tips for a Healthy Vacation

August 18, 2016

Farmers Market

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about my healthy eating plan. To remind you, I said that for the month of August I’d do Whole30, I wouldn’t eat potatoes and for the first two weeks I’d only have low sugar fruits, followed by two weeks of no fruit. I’m back to tell you that while I didn’t quite fall off the wagon, the wagon got a little wobbly for a second.

Last weekend I traveled to Vancouver with a group of girls and when you travel, inevitilibly you’re going to eat out. That doesn’t mean you need to betray your healthy plans, but sometimes things happen. I focused on making the best choices for me and sticking to Whole30. Even so, I came back from the weekend feeling a little blah. In mood I felt fab, but physically, things felt a bit off. Even after the healthiest of trips, it’s normal to feel iffy when you get home. Flying is exhausting and dehydrating, your routine is out of whack, you aren’t sleeping in your own bed, you’re eating out every meal and so on. Tons of reasons why at the end of a trip, it’s okay if you’re not feeling like your best self.

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Did I feel off because I ate my weight in cherries? It’s possible.

I did not knowingly break Whole30, but believe a few slips occurred. For one, I ordered a smoothie bowl, hold the honey, maple syrup and granola. About halfway through I realized that I *think* the bowl had granola mixed in. I could not confirm nor deny this but it just tasted way too good to be granola-free (don’t worry Glory Juice Co, I’m not mad at you). Oh well, we can’t control everything. We just do the best way can.

glory bowl

And lastly, while not actually breaking Whole30, I ate SO much fruit and also some potatoes. I just love fruit so much and when you’re on vacation and not partaking in wine and carbs, rewarding yourself with fruit and potatoes seems pretty harmless. The fruit was just too good to not eat (also a big problem for me in SF). I don’t feel guilty about it. I stuck Whole30 when I easily could have just indulged, but now that I’m home, I know I need to get back on track.

farmers market


My pile of healthy and indulgent (for a Whole30-er) snacks: fresh fruit, dried mango, salted mixed nuts.

To get there, I placed a Thrive Market order full of essentials and snacks that are not fruit based, got right back to cooking meals and have focused on drinking more water and staying properly hydrated.

If you’re headed out of town and want to come home feeling just as good as before you left (or at least close to it), here are some tips I’ve picked up along the way for a healthy vacation.

  • Remember your goals and why you made them in the first place
  • Think of how you’ll feel after vacation. Do you want to be back at square one or return home ready to continue with your healthy plans?
  • Don’t mind the haters: got some co-diners giving you a side-eye for asking the waiter to make your meal gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free? Ignore it and go about your business
  • Find “treats” that you’ll enjoy, but won’t ruin your diet. For me that was all that fruit. Hardly what some would considering treating yourself, but for me, it’s my favorite (ok I also love frosting but that’s for another time)
  • Keep moving! Visiting a new city in the perfect chance to explore the fitness scene and try a new class, walk around and even run a half marathon (if you’re into that kind of thing)

Got travel tips for a healthy vacation? Post ’em below!



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