Wedding Wellness: 3 Months of Healthy Eating

August 1, 2016

healthy eating

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This post has been a long time coming. Sort of like how little girls dream about what their wedding dress will look like, I’ve dreamed about how I’ll get fit for my wedding. I’m kidding, sort of. There are tons of things I’m excited for when it comes to our wedding but I’m also a tad bit crazy and knew that I’d be putting a big emphasis on getting fit for the wedding.

I’ve touched on this before, but getting in shape for your wedding is NOT about being the skinniest you’ve ever been, it’s about feeling your best inside and out.  I’ve helped quite a few friends prep for their weddings and it’s never about calorie restriction or how much weight they can lose. It’s about what will make them feel like their best and most confident self when they walk down the aisle.

When I tell people my plans to get in shape for my wedding, the general sentiment is “you don’t need to lose any weight, you’re fine as-is.” I don’t disagree with this, I am not trying to lose a bunch of weight. I’m simply doing what I know will make me feel my best when the wedding day arrives.

Years Leading Up to This Plan

For years I’ve tried different styles of eating and working out to find what makes me feel my best. This trial and error has been helpful as I’ve learned about myself, and also ways to help friends and clients find what works best for them.

With my wedding three months out, now is my time to really buckle down. When I work with clients, I typically like 6 months from meeting to wedding to get them exactly where they want to be. For the last three months I’ve been making healthier choices and feel good about where I’m at three months out from the wedding.

As I’ve mentioned, everyone is different. This is what I’m doing and if you think I’m a little bit crazy, so be it.  Am I saying that every bride-to-be should change their habits leading into their wedding? Absolutely not. This is simply my approach and maybe readers can take pieces of it into their own lives.

It Starts with Food

I’m a big believer that getting in shape is 70 percent about what you eat and 30 percent how you workout. I wish this weren’t the case because I love working out and if that meant I could eat whatever I wanted, that would be just fab. But it’s not.

The style of eating that I see the best results with is Paleo, and the more extreme version of that, Whole30. The quick recap of Whole30 is it’s 30 days of no dairy, grains, alcohol, sugar, processed foods, legumes, carrageenan, MSG or sulfites. The positive outcomes of Whole30 include weight loss, increased energy, clearer skin and a general sense of feeling good.

I’ve done Whole30 a few times and every time feel absolutely amazing by day 30. Through the various rounds, I’ve come to learn what foods I depend on too heavily. For everyday life that’s fine, but for getting ready for my wedding, I’m going to make some edits. Potatoes are allowed on Whole30 and that somehow made me think it was okay to make homemade french fries every other night. Don’t get me wrong, potatoes aren’t bad for you. But if I’m aiming to make changes, potatoes are an all-or-nothing food for me, so goodbye for now sweet spuds.

And fruit. I believe that fruit is very healthy and also delicious. Sometimes I overdo it. Ever sat down and eaten an entire watermelon? Just me? For the months leading into the wedding, it’s only low sugar fruits and some weeks, no fruit at all.

August Healthy Eating Plans

  • Weeks 1-2: Whole30 with no potatoes and only low sugar fruits
  • Weeks 3-4: Whole30 with no potatoes and no fruit

Why is August so important? At the end of this month I have my first dress fitting followed immediately by my bachelorette party. As you plan clean eating with an end goal, it’s important to remember the important events taking place leading up. I want to be close to my wedding size for my fittings as to decrease the number of visits I’ll need to make home for the fittings. And for my bachelorette party, you better believe I’m not going to restrict myself so I need to put in the solid work leading up to that indulgent weekend.

After that, the second week of September will start a fresh set of healthy eating that will look much like the August plan.

Healthy Eating

I love healthy meals, but sometimes you gotta indulge. Yesterday after running a half marathon and knowing Whole30 was starting the next day, I had to just go for it.


Don’t worry, Whole30 has delicious options too. Today’s breakfast: steak & eggs with onions & avocado.

Let’s Get Started

I love when a new month starts on a Monday. It’s like an extra special chance to start fresh with a positive outlook. Today, August 1 is Day 1 of my Whole30.

Later this week I’ll share with you my workout plans for getting toned for the wedding.

And as always, I’ll keep you posted on my progress and feelings along the way!

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