Quitting My Job, and Then What?

May 13, 2016

Seventeen and Cosmo

I touched on this briefly in my post about leaving New York, I quit my job at Cosmo & Seventeen. Quitting had nothing to do with my level of enjoyment for my work. For as long as I can remember, I wanted to work in magazines, and look at me now, I’m doing it! And not just doing it, I’m at an awesome company, Hearst, working for quite possibly the most successful women’s magazine. Yet here I am, the last week at my job. And it feels strange.

I’m not sure how to explain it, but I feel like I’m on the verge of something really exciting and new. Of course moving across the country and welcoming a whole new set of life experiences is part of that “exciting and new” thing, but I think it’s even more than that. Everyone has been asking me if I have a job lined up in San Fran and the answer is no. Not only do I not have a job lined up, with full honesty, I’m not even sure what job I want. My passions and work desires have shifted and I’m still learning what that means. Is it a little scary to be saying that at 31? Yes and no. I think a lot of people my age aren’t passionate about the work they do, but it’s easier to stick with what they know than take a leap and try to find that passion point.

By moving across the country, I was forced to quit a job I was comfortable in and enjoyed, even if it isn’t my ultimate passion. By moving across the country and needing to quit my job to do so, I’m using this as a jumping off point to find what I truly love doing. As evidenced by this blog, you know I love health, wellness and social media, and I’m exploring what that might mean for a career, instead of as my side hustle, which it’s been for a while.

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The Hearst Tower is a truly gorgeous place to work

With our move just a couple of weeks away, everyone has expected me to be applying for jobs nonstop and have something in the works for when we get to SF, but I am taking a different approach. I’ve been finishing up my work at my current job, preparing to move across the country, teaching my cycling classes and am planning a wedding. I want to get to California, get settled, find my footing, all while being selective at the career move I make next.

Money-wise it’s a bit scary since San Fran is just about the most expensive city in the country, but I’m confident in my abilities, am responsible with my money and will put trust in something great in my future.

Wednesday was my last day at the Hearst Tower and it feels like the closing of a huge chapter in my life. Nine years of being in this great city, working for entertainment and media companies of my dreams, and now acknowledging a shift in my dreams, and taking the next steps to find out what that means for my future. I’m looking forward to exploring, feeling a little uncomfortable, and taking risks. Stick with me as I embark on this next chapter.

hearst tower

Hearst elevator selfies are kinda a thing

Have you had a similar experience in your career/life? I’d love to hear your thoughts and advice, please leave your comments below.


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