Two Weeks Until Race Day & Monday Links

May 9, 2016

Airbnb Half marathon 2016

We’re two weeks out from the Brooklyn Half Marathon race day! Despite a somewhat rainy weekend, I had plenty of opportunities to complete my long run. According to my schedule, I could have done 9 miles or 12 miles and when the time came, what did I do? SIX MILES. Why six? Well, that’s all I felt like doing. I know that isn’t a particularly encouraging training move, but I couldn’t bring myself to run any further. And I let myself be okay with it. Training for races regularly doesn’t always need to be about PRs and pushing yourself to the limit. This go round, I’ve been wanting to do workouts that I enjoy, and as much as part of me knew I should have done the full long run, I also knew that at this point, it wouldn’t make a huge difference one way or another. So instead of doing what was on my schedule, I did what felt right.

Motivation to train hard is not at an all-time high, and that’s okay. I have another half marathon on the horizon and maybe I’ll feel like training harder then. And if I don’t, that’s okay too, because racing for me is about enjoying the process and challenging myself. Sometimes I’m up for the challenge and other times I’m not, and that’s perfectly alright.

Anyone else feel that way? I’m still excited for the Brooklyn Half and will be pushing myself on race day.

Speaking of pushing ourselves, I came across this interesting article on Women’s Health, 10 Things No One Tells You About Transforming Your Body. This piece is telling the real, hard truth. If you’ve ever tried to lose the last five pounds or see more definition in your abs but feel like you fell short, it’s probably because you didn’t go ALL OUT. As this article says, to reach big fitness/body goals, it takes 100% effort. You can’t half-ass it on the weekends and sneak a cookie. I’m not saying we should strive for this type of perfection or unreachable goals but if you are wondering why maybe you haven’t reached your big fitness goals, this article may shed some light on that. It makes you think about how badly you want to reach those goals and if it’s worth the full, nonstop effort.

Now let’s switch gears. In honor of Mother’s Day yesterday, did you know my mom’s a writer? She recently began writing for DC Refined, a site dedicated to DC living, including restaurants, fashion, beauty, health, travel and more. I definitely got my desire to write from my mom (thanks mama!) and I’d love to share some of her work with you.

For DC folks looking to get a Napa experience, I’ll give you two options. Visit me in Northern Cali when I move there this summer, or take a quick trip to Virginia, a new winery destination. Read about three popular vineyards in If a Trip to Napa Isn’t in the Cards, Hit the Virginia Wine Trail (the first one, Blue Valley is where I’m getting married!).

Thinking about planning an at-home wedding? Clearly I’m not, but that’s what my brother did last December. Read about it from my mom’s perspective, Staying Sane Planning an At-Home Wedding…as the MIL.

Thanks for reading & have a great week everyone!

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