Why Kettlebells are Your Secret Workout Weapon

February 24, 2016


I never put too much thought into what type of weight I use for workouts. A weight is a weight, it’s something heavy you lift up and put down, how different can things be? Apparently things can be quite different and depending on your workout and goals, there’s a certain type of weight that aligns.

Gaining in popularity is the kettlebell, different from a dumbbell because the center of mass is located away from the hand in a kettlebell, which makes it ideal for dynamic swinging exercises. With a kettlebell there’s are extended options of motions and they can link up to create a multi-targeted workout.

Recently I attended Kettlebell Circuit Training at the Prospect Park YMCA. The workout was broken into different sections of strength and cardio moves. The workout challenged everyone, especially the killer abs section at the end, done with a parter so you couldn’t slack off and let your partner down.

nyc ymca

Kettlebells are an awesome piece of equipment in circuit training group fitness classes, can be used on the gym floor for a solo routine, or can even be kept in your living room for some power moves while watching TV (I do this!).

Nervous about using a kettlebell? Don’t be, here are a couple of basic kettlebell moves that you’ll likely encounter in a kettlebell group fitness class.

Russian Kettlebell Swing: targets shoulders, back, hips, glutes, legsRussian Kettlebell Swing

Kettlebell Goblet Squat: targets legs, glutes, back

Kettlebell Goblet Squat

Kettlebell Russian Twist: targets abs, obliques

Kettlebell Russian Twist

Single-Arm Kettlebell Snatch: targets shoulders, chest, back

Greatist Single-Arm Kettlebell Snatch

Images c/o Greatist

Still nervous? Start with a low weight, try a couple of movements and see if you are able to move to a heavier weight. It’s always best to start low and move up to avoid injury. Because kettlebell moves are unlike using traditional dumbbells, I suggest attending a group fitness class like the ones at the YMCA to have an instructor help you master the moves, then you can do them on your own at the gym (here’s a routine I’ve been using for years: 8 Kettlebell Exercises That’ll Sculpt your Entire Body by Women’s Health).

Enjoy these new workout options and if you use kettlebells, let me your favorite moves in the comments below!

*This post is in partnership with the YMCA. All opinions are my own.

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  • Love this! I am actually taking this class next week just for fun since I saw it on the schedule! How’d you like it? Also, where are the pics from? Is this the teacher – suns out guns out!!

    • The class was great! I definitely felt the moves the next day 🙂 The pictures are from Greatist, click on the credit line right under the last picture for more Kettlebell moves to try, it has a bunch of good ones. Let me know how you like the class!

  • […] incorporating kettlebell training into the workout routine can be a game-changer. According to Why Kettlebells are Your Secret Workout Weapon – Shapin Up, kettlebells offer a unique way to build functional strength, improve endurance, and increase […]

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