How to Deal with Feeling Overwhelmed (+ a Giveaway)

February 23, 2016

Workout Look Ann Arbor

Do you ever feel like you’re going a bit crazy with all the things on your plate? I hate saying “I’m so busy” because we are all busy and when I feel overwhelmed, it probably means I’m not doing a great job of prioritizing. I fear that I am often doing many things (blogging! working! teaching!) but doing all of those things at a mediocre level. Maybe it’s because we can so readily compare ourselves to those around us and feel like we are doing a less than stellar job, when it’s not necessarily the case (let’s dive into this more at a later time, shall we?).

I’ve been feeling stretched thinner than normal with the layer of wedding planning on top of all the other things I’m doing, plus there is another big thing in the works which I will share with you later (sorry to be vague!) that adds to my list.
When we get this overwhelmed feeling, how do we get out of it? I’ve been thinking about this a lot and here’s where I’m at.
  1. Prioritize. Take a look at everything in your life and prioritize what you care about. Are there things on that list that you do out of routine but not out of passion or need? Perhaps it’s time to drop a few items from your to-do list (full disclosure, I haven’t done this yet but I hope to soon!).
  2. Just Say No. I used to feel bad saying no to plans, or telling someone that sure, I’d love to have dinner with them, but can it be in 3 weeks? I’ve learned that this is necessary in order to not overload your schedule, leading to exhaustion. Plans with friends are great, but I can’t have them every night, it’s not for me. I like being social but I also need nights at home to relax, cook and get things done and maybe sometimes that means laying on the couch doing nothing but cuddling with my dog (because honestly what is better than that?). If someone asks me to meet them for dinner but I already have dinner plans 3x that week, I no longer feel bad about scheduling the plans for a few weeks out. It gives us all a chance to better balance our commitments.
  3. Get Proper Sleep. How many times can I write about this before I actually do it? I’m not sure, but I’ll keep you posted. Seriously though, I know I need seven hours of sleep and sometimes it happens, and mostly it doesn’t. I’m working on it (and will be for the rest of time, get used to me repeating myself).
  4. Eat Nutritious Food. Because I’m healthy most of the time, when I’m not, boy do I feel it. Since I’m an all-or-nothing girl, when I decide to break my healthy habits, I go overboard. Don’t believe me? This weekend I was home in MD and had fries with 4 meals in two days. It was delicious but now I’m paying for it. I’ll never stray from indulging, but it’s key for me to quickly get myself back on track. I do this by eating clean and always having proper snacks on hand to get me through the day, favorites include That’s it bars, Premier Protein shakes, dried fruit with no added sugar and raw nuts.
  5. Hydration Nation. I’m weirdly obsessed with the filtered water system at my office, which happily keeps my H20 levels up. I do my best to chug a full glass of water with fresh lemon first thing in the morning to start my day off right. It can be a challenge when I’m rushing out the door for an early morning cycling class, but I’ve gotten into the habit and can feel the positive changes.
When I feel overwhelmed, I take a deep breath, refer to the above list and get myself back on track.
When you’re feeling overwhelmed, how do you deal? Share your tips below and I’ll pick a winner to receive a $20 Starbucks gift card (my answer to a stressful afternoon at work: a coffee break stroll with coworkers) and a variety pack of products from Premier Protein.

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  • Have you been reading my mind, because I am in the same boat, sister!! My big keys (outside of what you already listed) that I have been focusing on are:
    1. Create a to-do list at the beginning of each day at work. It allows me to see everything I have to do, prioritize what needs to get done first, and what can wait until later in the week.
    2. Leave work at work – this is one that takes me a while to get used to, especially since we live in the world of Blackberries that make us available 24/7. As soon as I’m home from work, I put my briefcase in the office and shut the door. No interruptions during dinner and getting E ready for bed.
    3. Set aside “me time” – Sometimes you just need to crash on the couch and mindlessly watch whatever Real Housewives franchise happens to be on…don’t beat yourself up about that! Yes – dishes need to be put away…toys need to be straightened up…but you also need to give yourself time to just do whatever you want – whether that’s surf the web, enjoy a long soak in the tub with a bath bomb and some wine – you name it…whatever you want, do it!


    • Lauren! Thank you so much for sharing these tips– would love to send you the Starbucks gift card & Premier Protein goodies to help when you’re feeling overwhelmed (to be enjoyed as part of your “me time”). Shoot me an email at so I can send you your prize! XO

  • I am right there with you, and this post couldn’t have come at a better time! When I’m feeling overwhelmed, I try to remember to do three things (1) exercise, because it helps me work through the layers and layers of stress (2) make to-do lists, so I can see everything that needs to get done and prioritize, and (3) cancel social plans for a day or two, because having extra breathing room is so enormously helpful when life is feeling a bit too much. Good luck + talk soon!

    • Ah these are all great tips! I need to work on my to-do lists and get everything in order for the next few months. Although I have a #4 to add to your list: big glasses of red wine 🙂


  • Girl I feel you on the “can we get together in 3 weeks” thing as I just did this today. I sent an email saying how about March 28th. Really? I don’t do it because I’m “popular” I do it because I need r&r time!

  • When I am feeling overwhelmed I make sure to plan my week ahead of time so that I have some structure in my week. Structure and a good schedule helps with stress. Making this weekly can also help feel more in control because of the consistency. Tuesday nights I keep clear for some Bachelor (I have to wait until it is on Hulu :). Watching something that is completely meaningless helps me forget about work stress. Cleaning my clutter is also a way for me to feel more clarity and comfort at home:)

  • TOTALLY know how you feel! between working, training for a marathon, working out, and taking a night class sometimes I feel totally overwhelmed. I’m all for hanging out with friends and family, but I know that feeling when I just need to lock myself in my apartment and not come out for 24 hours. I usually order myself some dinner, open a bottle of wine and just binge watch netflix for a saturday night instead of running around the city. i usually wake up sunday morning much more relaxed and ready to tackle my schedule.

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