A Fit Year Look Back

December 21, 2015

As we wrap up 2015 I want to take a minute to look back at the races I took on and the goals I accomplished. I’ve been a bit on the fence about big races for next year and was inspired by Evann’s reflection post and thought that taking a look back at what I did this past year and how I felt about it will help me decide what to take on in 2016. 

Typically by this time I’d already be signed up for a handful of races for the year ahead but as of right now I’m only registered for one (that I am VERY excited about but is also VERY far from now), the Lululemon SeaWheeze Half Marathon. Alright, let’s take a look, what did I do this past year…

July: NYC Triathlon


This was my 6th time competing in the NYC Tri, a favorite race of mine. It basically takes place in my backyard and is always a super fun and exciting day. This year my performance was fine, not my fastest, not my slowest but a race I love regardless of how I finish. 

Doing this race each year has been a given for me, you have to register nearly a year in advance and I’ve always just done it. For the first time in 6 years, I’ve decided not to do this race again. As I said, I love it and highly recommend it to everyone, but I feel ready for a change. It’s a pricey race and you swim in the Hudson which is pretty nasty. After doing other races in really beautiful water (see below), it made me question my desire to do this race again. 

August: Timberman Half Ironman 70.3


Taking on a 70.3 had been on my to-do list for a while. I was ready to go beyond the Olympic triathlon distance but for years wasn’t ready to commit to the more intense and time-consuming training. This year I finally did it, and um wouldn’t say I necessarily committed to the training as well as I should have, but nonetheless had an awesome race (for me). The course was beyond gorgeous in the clear blue waters of New Hampshire, I was blown away. 

I was extremely happy with my finish time, felt like I probably could have pushed harder but was 100% content. With race day adrenaline I was thinking how I wouldn’t mind doing another 70.3, but when I think back to the training and mental stress, I’m not interested right now. Definitely an exciting challenge to do a Half Ironman and I’m so happy I did it, but I’m not running to sign up for another quite yet. It did however make me think about the full Ironman distance but we’ll save that for later (if ever. I believe that physically I could do it, I just don’t know if I actually want to, which is really most of the battle).

October: Chicago Marathon


This race gets an A+! I loved the course, had a fun weekend away and got a much-desired PR, finishing under 4 hours. I told myself that when I got a sub-4 I’d be okay never doing another marathon and the pressure would be off. That still holds true, I don’t feel the same necessity to do another marathon like I felt after NYC when I finished 7 minutes over my goal time. That being said, I WOULD do another marathon because my Chicago experience was so great. I’m not sure what city I’d do it in and when but another marathon is always a possibility. 

For both of my marathons I did a less-is-more training approach which worked for me, but if I did another marathon I’d love to really give it my all and keep to a set plan (as opposed to my 1-3 runs per week). The training for this marathon overlapped with my Half Ironman training, so if I were to do another, I’d time it better and put all of my focus into marathon prep.

Post Race Feelings:

Hmmm ok so I did 3 really big races this year and it appears my feelings after all of them can be summed up with “what an awesome race! i don’t feel like doing it again quite yet” – pretty noncommittal if you ask me.

So what’s in store for 2016? Aside from the half I’m already signed up for, I’m toying with the idea of a Springtime half marathon just to have something on my racing agenda to motivate me to run a bit (haven’t been doing much recently). 

I’ve also been wanting to do a Rangar Relay, they seem AWESOME but logistically I haven’t gotten my act together to sign for one. Is anyone thinking of doing one next year? Let me know, maybe we can team up.

And finally, I wouldn’t mind some smaller, less intense races. I did three big races this year and I think only one small one (Oakley 10k in Central Park) so for next year I would love to do some shorter distances like 5 milers in the park, sprint triathlons, etc. Just enough to keep me motivated and keep up my competitive spirit but not so much that I drive myself crazy with training, mental energy and stress.

For now, I’m going to see where the new year takes me. If I come across a new race or challenge that I feel up for, I’ll do it, but won’t stress myself out about it quite yet. If you have a race to recommend, please comment below, I’m always on the lookout and would love to hear about your favorites.

Check out How to Fall in Love With Running Again

by Heather Gannoe at Mode

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