Chicago Marathon Training Check In

August 31, 2015

Happy Monday people! It never hurts to start a fresh week with a motivational quote, right? Another week of training is in the books and it was a decent one. Of my three scheduled runs, I did two of them, a 5-miler and a 16-miler. I skipped out on the speed day because I had a fitness event that I wanted to attend. Yes, I absolutely could have and should have found time to fit that run in and my goal for the weeks ahead is to better plan my weeks so that I’m not stuck skipping 1 of 3 runs. 

Three runs a week is not a lot to ask of me and my excuse for skipping one is I didn’t want to run the day before or after my long run and that led to flat out skipping a run (fyi I did teach 3 cycling classes, took a conditioning class, a yoga class and ran twice, so overall not so bad). Looking at my full schedule (here), I need to stick to the way these runs are mapped out to ensure they happen. So as we welcome a new week, let’s make this happen! 

But first, let’s look at my 16-miler from last week. I didn’t have a plan in mind and I also didn’t have anyone to run with, which made this run a bit (ok actually VERY) boring. To keep myself entertained I listened to Death, Sex and Money podcast. A friend recently recommended this and it was more engaging than music for a 2+ hour run. 

First I ran a weird 10-mile loop through Central Park…


And then over to the West Side Highway…


For a final route that looked like this:


I felt okay on the run but walked a bit, made a bathroom break and also was starving by the end because my Stinger gummies fell out of my run pouch which meant I only ate 1 gu during the run.

Once home I stretched and whipped up an egg dish (eggs, spinach, onions, tomatoes, avocado and basil).


Looking at the week ahead I have a long 19-miler on Saturday. I don’t want to run it alone. Along my run I kept seeing Nike Run clubbers so I’m interested in checking that out, or would be happy to meet up with friends or readers who are training (for either all 19 if you’re feeling crazy, or even a couple of those miles). 

So if anyone in any part of NYC wants to meet up for a run on Saturday morning, let me know! I will run to your apartment and pick you up! I really just need a destination and company in my runs to keep me motivated.

Other runs this week will be a Tuesday evening run and a Thursday evening run. I’ll also be attending the Lole Central Park Yoga Event on Wednesday, anyone else? Let me know below & have a great week everyone!

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