Summer Reading List

June 24, 2015

With lakeside and beachside weekends on the horizon, I’m looking forward to getting in some reading. I love reading but sometimes I can’t find the time or like right now, can’t find my kindle, but I’m making a conscious effort to check these books off my list, they aren’t all that new and have been on my radar for a while.


And not just read, but also listen to. I’ve never been a fan of audiobooks because I tend to zone out and lose focus, or the one time I tried it on a long car ride (as the passenger), I fell asleep approximately every 3 minutes. I found the exception to this in Tiny Beautiful Things by Cheryl Strayed. I’m obsessed with Strayed’s podcast Dear Sugar, an advice column-style podcast lead by Strayed and Steven Almond. The podcast only comes out about once a week and as soon as I listen to it, I immediately want more. Which led me to Tiny Beautiful Things, an entire book full of Strayed’s advice from when she was Dear Sugar. This fills in the gap between podcasts and I’ve been listening to it on my way to work and on my runs. I’m listening via a free credit from the Audiobooks app and while I’d love to continue with more audio books, I’m not crazy about the $14.99 monthly fee so this will likely be a one time thing. If you haven’t used Audiobooks, you can download and get one free book.

As for the rest of the list, I’ve been stuck in the middle of The Girl on the Train and need to get through that. I’m not as crazy about it as the hype led me to believe, but I still want to finish it.

I just finished The Life-Changing Guide to Tidying, which I had seen on various blogs and sites and as someone who craves a minimalist style yet can’t part with tons of junk, this book gave me a totally new outlook on clearing out the clutter. Stay tuned for a lot more on this book becuase I’m obsessed.

Yes Please, #GirlBoss, Not that Kind of Girl, The Vacationers and Beautiful Ruins have been waiting on my to-read list and I can see myself sitting in a beach chair with these (can that happen right now please)?

What’s on your summer reading list? Anything I should add?

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