One Small Change: Waking Up With Water

June 10, 2015

When I think about my approach to health and wellness, it’s go big or go home. If I feel like my eating has been off-track I take the extreme view that from that point forward, I can’t have any sugar, grains, dairy, alcohol, etc etc. And usually this approach works for me, ya know until I fall off the health wagon again and my cheat meal turns into a cheat weekend. But I digress. While I can’t seem to get away from my all-or-nothing approach, there is something to be said for small changes…

*image via 

Maybe instead of big, all-encompassing changes, we can pick one small change to focus on. That one small change for me is drinking more water, specifically right when I wake up. Drinking a glass of water upon waking up has a long list of benefits: it gives your metabolism a much-needed AM jumpstart, it rehydrates you after 7-8 hours of no water, it helps to flush out toxins, it aids in weight loss and it gives you a clear head.

Even knowing these benefits, I don’t drink water in the morning! Instead, I’m rushing around, especially when heading to an AM spin class and typically grab my coffee first, not water. I hate to admit this but sometimes when my gym bag is extra heavy, I won’t even bring water to my class, meaning I don’t have any water until about 9am, well after my 5:30am wakeup and workout. How is it that I make time to get to the gym to teach a class, yet I can’t take the extra 60 seconds to drink a glass of water? Working out has benefits, drinking water has benefits…which one of these seems easier?

This is the small change I’m making. I’m going to drink a large glass of water every single morning. It’s such a tiny, easy change and I can’t believe I haven’t already made this a part of my routine.

Instead of thinking big, let’s think small. What is one small change you can make today to improve your health and wellness?

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