Birthday Celebrations + Mother’s Day

May 12, 2015

Over the weekend MM and I co-celebrated our 30th birthdays and also had our families in to celebrate Mother’s Day together.

This year I happened to have multiple celebrations for my birthday because 30 is a big one and why not celebrate! In related news…I can’t go into too much detail yet, but recently MM and I filmed a tv show that involved experts showing us a thing or two about entertaining and also involved a backyard refresh. The show doesn’t air until the summer so you’ll have to stay tuned for the airdate, before and after photos and details about the experience. But for now I’ll say we love our NYC gem of a backyard more than ever and plan to host many gatherings back there while the weather is good.

[ready for Mother’s Day]

On Saturday we had friends and family over in the new yard for a big BBQ bash. We had about 40 people, which was a bit overwhelming. It was great to have everyone in one place but I felt like I didn’t get to talk to everyone and in the future may want to stick to smaller dinner parties and hangouts.

[blurry picture but look at my balloons!]

And speaking of smaller gatherings, on Sunday we invited our families over for brunch in the yard. We had mimosas, bloody mary’s and flatbreads. I attempted a Paleo flatbread from Against All Grain and unfortunately it was a fail, I’ll have to work on my technique. Even so, the food was delicious and I was able to make a Paleo concoction for myself (although the actual flatbreads were tempting me).

After brunch we went to see Beautiful on Broadway. It was SO good! I thought it would be more of a parents show since they love Carole King but I was surprised that I also knew all of the music. I highly recommend the show. If you’re looking for a gift for your parents, bring them to this show. They will love it.

This weekend was quite a full one! It can be hard to go into a fresh week with such a busy weekend, which is why I took Monday night to have no plans and to simply clean up the apartment and prep for the rest of the week.

Here’s today’s breakfast, prepped last night…yum

[mixed berries, cashew butter, chia seeds]

Hope that you too had a fulfilling weekend and that your week is off to a good start!

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