Cycle for Survival Recap 2015

March 10, 2015

This past weekend for the second year in a row I participated in Cycle for Survival, both as an instructor and a team captain. At Equinox locations across the country, thousands of people come together to raise money for rare cancer research. This year was an all-time high, raising over 24 million dollars! What’s extra amazing about this fundraiser is that 100% of the money raised goes directly to cancer research. Everything at the event is donated, allowing 100% of proceeds to do good.

Throughout the event speakers tell their stories, from cancer survivors to cancer researchers, doctors and nurses; while cycling your heart out you learn exactly where your hard-earned fundraising dollars are going.

This year I taught on Saturday and Sunday. Teaching is pretty intimidating, there are about 150 bikes and TONS of people watching you. I teach 4 classes every week but nothing compares to teaching this crowd. Energy has to be at an all time high. Oh and did I mention, I had to ride in front of this crowd for 4 hours, two days in a row? Yep, while not teaching I was riding on the stage with 3 fellow instructors, keeping the crowd going.

It was extra fun seeing my team riding throughout the event! I had a team of 15 and together we raised just over $10,000! I’m so proud and happy that we came together to make this happen.

My legs and shoulders were sore, but my heart is full for having the opportunity to be a part of this event. Thank you for all the support and I hope to see some of you on a bike at next years event!


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