January 28, 2015

You guys, yesterday was THE BEST. Working from home was just as great as I suspected it would be. I actually had work to do and was at my computer most of the day but I also got outside for some snowy walks with MM and Ollie, caught a beautiful sunset along the Hudson River and hit the gym for a 5 mile run. 

Ollie was a little iffy on the snow at first (he did not like putting those booties on) but once we got him into Central Park he was having the time of his life. I mean look at that top left picture, he is smiling! We romped around Central Park, then hit up the dog park on Riverside. Ollie loved putting his face all the way in the snow and it was just too cute. I also love love love seeing all the NYC kids sledding. Even though a good portion of them end up in tears from crashing into other people (hills are limited so they are pretty packed), it’s cute to watch for a few minutes (before the tears begin).

While we weren’t playing in the snow, Ollie laid across me while I did work. If only every day of work involved Ollie snuggling next to me. Around 5pm we caught the sunset at 72nd and Riverside. I forget how beautiful these sunsets are since during the winter I’m always in the office way beyond the sun goes down. This was a reminder that on the weekends I should wander to the water and take in the views.

And now I’m back in the office. Can we have another sort-of blizzard again soon??

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