1. Tis the season of slushy sidewalks and winter boots. Check out this piece from Glitter Guide on How To Style Duck Boots to look chic on your wintery trek.
2. My big news of the week is that I signed up for a very big race and while it’s months away, healthy habits start now. This list of 30 Healthy Habits for Triathletes from Ironman.com offers ways to incorporate 30 changes (some big, some small) into your life and within a month you’ll feel like a whole new person. This list is relevant to non-triathletes too with tips like get 7-8 hrs of sleep, eat real food, stand don’t sit, always eat breakfast and so on.
3. I’m a calendar junkie, I love have everything written out in front of me. To keep me organized I’m using this free printable calendar for 2015. Each month I print a calendar to keep somewhere I’ll see daily, on this I keep track of my daily workouts and can see where/when I’m excelling or maybe when I require a rest day.
4. De-clutter my life was on my resolution this year and this article, Clear the Clutter: Stop Organizing and Just Have Less Stuff is so obvious (of course! less stuff will make for less clutter) but it’s an interesting read and makes me even more eager to be a minimalist (while i’d like to be a minimalist, if you came to my apartment you’d know that i’ve got a ways to go. baby steps).
5. And speaking of baby steps to de-clutter, my plan of attack is to focus on one little piece of my apartment at a time to clear it out. Apartment Therapy gives me a nice guide of how to tackle the bathroom with 5 Things You Need to Purge from Your Bathroom.
And with that, it’s nearly the weekend so go out and enjoy!