How to Make (& Keep) New Years Resolutions

December 30, 2014

There tends to be two camps when it comes to New Years Resolutions, love it or hate it. Some love to create a list of things to improve upon or change and January 1st’s clean slate gives an extra incentive as opposed to making goals on a random day during the year. The other side hates em and doesn’t think starting on January 1st will make you keep them; they are forgotten two weeks later. Many think you can start fresh any day of any week so why put so much pressure on Jan 1?


I for one love New Years Resolutions. I’m a list maker and give myself goals throughout the year but there is something extra special about a to-do list to start a new year. Sometimes I make the list and then sorta forget about it but I still make them every year.

So how do you make resolutions that last? 

  1. Be specific: Don’t make vague statements; give yourself specific things to work on. For example, don’t say “read more” instead say “read 20 books” It’s easier to see your progress when you’re working towards a very specific goal. 
  2. Be reasonable: If you want to keep your goals, make them attainable. If you want to lose weight, don’t make it some extreme number that is total long-shot, make resolutions you can envision yourself keeping.
  3. Hold yourself accountable: Don’t keep your resolutions a secret. Blog about them, tell your friends and family about them, shout them from the rooftops; this will make you want to keep them and hopefully the people you tell will lend you extra support through the year.
  4. Check in often: Write down your list and keep it handy so you can regularly check in with yourself and evaluate your progress. Don’t make the list and ignore it until December 31st; keep it somewhere handy to remind yourself of the goals you’ve made.
  5. Properly prepare: Start the year right and get yourself ready to kick-off your resolutions and make them stick. If it’s a weight loss goal clear out and properly stock your kitchen, join the gym you’ve been thinking about, sign up for a race and make a training schedule. Set yourself up for success so January 1 you’re ready to go for it. 

Next up I’ll take a look at my 2014 resolutions and see how I did, plus I’ll share my 2015 list!

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