November 14, 2014

This week flew by! Sorry for my MIA status but the new pup in my life is really messing with my routine. Will take a while to get into the swing of things but wanted to make sure I at least got you my Friday Five!

1. For an upcoming Friendsgiving I’d love to have cute little name cards like these from Apartment Therapy (click through for more ideas) but do I really have the time and energy for it? Planning to do something but making no guarantees it will be as cute as these pumpkins.

2. And on my menu for the Friendsgiving is this raw vegan pumpkin pie from Popsugar. Seems like more ingredients and effort than your traditional pumpkin pie (at least when I make it) but also sounds delicious and worth the effort. Stay tuned for results.

3. On Wednesday night I attended a pre-screening of the Ironman Championship special program that is airing this Saturday, 11/15 at 1:30pm on NBC. Even if you’re not a tri freak like me, you definitely should tune in. The program is so inspirational, it covers the champions as well as non-pros who are competing in this amazing race. At Thursday’s event were stars of the show- champions Sebastian Kienle, Mirinda Carfrae, first time competitor Olympic medalist Apolo Ohno, the race director of the Boston Marathon and Lisa Hallett, a woman who lost her husband in Afghanistan and started Wear Blue: Run to Remember. Make sure to tune in and bring some tissues.

4. It is COLD in NYC today and to go along with that, I’m sick! I had a slight sore throat for a few days and now I barely have a voice. Teaching cycling class this morning was brutal (not sure if it was worse for me or the students who had to listen to me) but now that I’m done with classes until Monday I’m giving my voice a rest. Last night and this morning I treated myself to one of Juice Generations hot drinks, the Lemon Lozenge and it’s so tasty and soothing, perfect for rainy night and a windy morning.

5. And I can’t do this weeks Friday Five without featuring Ollie! It’s my first week as a dog owner and I have so much to learn. Like everything. One question for my early morning fitness people- do you take your dog out before your workout? I wake up for class around 5:45/6am and if I don’t let him out then he’s got to wait until MM gets up a few hours later. This morning I tried to take him for a walk and he was NOT into it. I had to carry him outside, then he sat on the stoop until I gave up and carried him back inside. Ok Ollie I get it, you’re not a morning person. Send dog tips my way!

And with that, have a great weekend!

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