October 27, 2014

One of my current favorites for my Whole30 and Paleo friends, cauliflower rice! If you are obsessed with rice, this might not taste exactly like the real thing, but I think it’s a pretty great replacement. It tastes like a combo of rice and couscous and tricks you into thinking your chowing down on carbs, when in reality you’re stocking up on veggies.


  • 1 head of cauliflower
  • A drop of avocado oil
  • Salt and pepper

What to do:

Wash and dry the cauliflower. Cut up the florets into medium sized pieces and toss into a food processor. Pulse for just a few seconds until the cauliflower takes on a rice-like consistency. Don’t have the processor going too long or you’ll end up with cauli-mush (if you want it to be like mashed potatoes, you can do it that way).

In a frying pan, heat a bit of avocado oil and then toss in the cauliflower rice. Toss in a bit of salt and pepper and mix around for a couple of minutes until the rice heats up. 

That’s it! You can dress the cauliflower with a variety of spices to make the flavor more exciting. For a spicy mexican flavoring, I like cayenne pepper and lime juice topped with avocado; for an asian style rice go with coconut aminos (or soy sauce if your diet allows) and for a cheese grits take, add nutritional yeast (or actual cheese if you do the dairy thing).

Because there are so many ways to dress up the cauliflower, you won’t get bored of this delicious side any time soon!

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