How Do You #fuelyourbetter? Vega Sport Sugar-Free Energizer

July 29, 2014

I LOVE to workout (oh, you didn’t notice?) but sometimes my energy levels are below where they need to be to get me out the door and on the road to a solid workout. This is particularly troubling when I’m leading a class and need to be on top of my game, working out and talking for 45 minutes.

Over the past few weeks I’ve been using Vega Sport Sugar-Free Energizer; it’s a plant-based powder that you add to water to increase mental focus, energy and boost endurance. Take it 20 minutes before runs, yoga, pilates and gym workouts; it’s engineered for low intensity or short duration exercise lasting under an hour.

What makes these so unique is that they are low calorie and are specifically made for lower-intensity workouts. I’ve tried tons of bars, protein powders and smoothies before workouts but often times they are high calorie and when I’m only doing a 45-minute workout, it’s not necessary. It’s too much intake given the effort I’m putting into my workout. I love these energizers because they will give me a mini-boost for my shorter workouts.

If I’m about to take on a 3 hour triathlon training workout I would absolutely need more than one of these energizers but when I’m headed to the gym to lead a class, it’s perfect. These packets have taken up permanent residence at my desk as I need them the most when I’m headed to an evening class after a long day at the office.

Vega Sport is prepared to get you through whatever workout awaits you. Their latest campaign “Fuel Your Better” helps you decide what nutrition will be optimal for your workout. Use THIS LINK to discover the right product for your training and racing plans. Muscle burn, motivation, soreness, stamina and so on, whatever your issue is, Vega has a product.

I’ve tried Vega bars and protein powders and I’m a fan of everything I’ve tasted. It’s important to me to eat real food made with real ingredients (not chemically engineered) and with intense training that can be difficult. I’m hoping to try the Endurance Gel soon, sounds ideal for long races.

For my readers out there that are struggling and need an extra boost, check out and let me know which products you try!

*product was supplied by Fit Approach but all opinions are my own!*

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