Thunderstorms, Yoga & Chipotle Dreams

July 16, 2014

Last night I was supposed to be hosting a little BBQ for some friends but crazy storms caused for a postponement. Instead, I thought it might be nice to take Bikram Yoga class. I love thunderstorms (when I’m inside, of course) and figured the sounds of an intense rain storm would be nice and different during yoga. One downside of Bikram is there is no music. I love a little music to take my mind off how brutal the class is and to help pass the time but in Bikram, no such luck. But the sounds of a thunderstorm, rain falling and bursts of lightening were a welcomed distraction! I sat by a window and took in the sounds and sights of the storm.

What I wore: Lululemon Dart & Dash Short / Lululemon All Sport Bra

Another thing that kept my mind off the time was thinking about my dinner. Class was 6:30-8pm and I was starving by the end. The last 20 minutes I dreamed about Chipotle and what I wanted to order (I live only two blocks from the studio but Chipotle happens to be smack in the middle of my walk home). After figuring out exactly what my order would be, I then spent about 10 minutes talking myself out of it, remembering that I have a bunch of healthy food waiting at home that needed to be cooked. A great way to sway yourself away from Chipotle is to stare at yourself in a sports bra and tiny shorts for 90 minutes straight.

Sadly, I skipped Chipotle (but thanks for giving me something to think about for 20 mins!) and opted for a healthy bed of spinach topped with tuna salad (made with tuna+mashed avocado+dijon mustard+salt) and roasted yellow squash. The healthy choice was the right choice and I woke up ready to tackle early morning spin class! But one day soon, Chipotle and I will have that date…

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